10. Man with No Lips
This unfortunate fellow lost his lips when he was attacked by a wolf. The attack occurred when he was a little boy and at the age of 65, he is undergoing a facial transplant using some muscles from his legs. He lived with this facial deformity for 57 years and was ecstatic to learn that it was finally possible to receive a facial transplant. It took technology a long time to advance enough to accommodate this poor guy.
9. Man with the Longest Hair
Though it has not been measured since 2004, when the Guinness World Records put it in the book, his hair is believed to be the longest in the world. It is estimated to be 6.5 to 7 meters long. This herbalist spent his entire life growing his hair and letting it grow in its natural state. He never washed or combed it, which is why it is just one long dreadlock.
8. Man with No Face
This man lost his face to an accidental electric shock. He apparently accidentally touched his forehead to a live power line and the electricity burned his face off completely. The 25-year-old cherry picker received a full facial transplant. Though he will not get his sight back, his quality of life is drastically improved by the transplant.
7. Man with Giant Dent in his Head
As you can see, this is a mugshot. This guy has been arrested for solicitation, possession of marijuana, and burglary. He gained quite a bit of Internet notoriety when his first mugshot surfaced because many believe that it wasn’t real. Apparently, he got in injury from driving will intoxicated with alcohol and drugs. This is the result of him landing on his head after being thrown from the vehicle. He recently made a video on YouTube urging young people to refrain from drinking, drugging, and driving. It is amazing that he even lived through that accident.
6. Guiness World Record Largest Earlobes
This Hawaiian man has more interesting features than his earlobes, but they are pretty impressive. His earlobes are gaged at 109 mm. Big enough to put your fist through. He is a tattoo and body modification artist and recently was award the Guinness Book of World Records for the Largest Earlobes.
5. The Leopard Man
This man is covered from head to toes in leopard print tattoos. Tom Leppard not only looks like a leopard, he prefers to live like one in a little hut by a stream in Scotland. He does not have water or electricity and has to row his boat to the nearest village every two weeks to pick up necessities. By the way, this is his idea of “living easy”. Before he settled near the stream he lived a much more primitive life.
4. Man with Missing Eyes and Nose
In his battle with cancer, this man lost his eyes and nose. Many times, people will be forced to give up essential body parts in order to prevent the spread of cancer. This man would have difficulty benefiting from facial reconstructive surgery because he has such a deep hole in his face. Even if he did get cosmetic reconstructive surgery, he would never get his sight or smell back, unfortunately.
3. Man with Extreme Excess Skin
This man was formerly the world’s heaviest man. He lost 672 pounds and was left with extremely saggy excess skin that weighed almost 100 pounds. Removal of the extra skin allowed him to start learning how to walk again after so long of being wheelchair bound. This man’s extreme weight loss and recovery is an inspiration to overweight people all over the world. 672 pounds is triple the size of the average man and he managed to lose it all with proper diet management. After his skin removal, he practiced walking every day and plans to begin exercising regularly once his body fully heals.
2.Man with Nose Growing out of Forehead
This 22-year-old man had a terrible infection in his nose, acquired after a car accident that was not repairable. This was when his doctor decided to grow a replacement out of the man’s forehead. When the replacement nose is healthy enough for a transplant, the old nose will be removed.
1. Man without a Nose
Another unfortunate case of facial cancer, this man has a hole in his face after the removal of his nose. The hole in his face causes him discomfort, due to the openness of the area. The rare cancer was extremely aggressive and described as being Pacman like in that it would continue eating away at his face unless they removed all the affected area.
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