We all have bad dreams, but what exactly do they mean? The experts weight in…Here are 15 common nightmares and what they’re often interpreted to mean.
What it means: Whether it’s someone you know or a monster, being chased can be your fear of the responsibilities you’re avoiding.
What it means: If your relationship is failing or if you’re having trust issues with your partner, you may find yourself dreaming about being cheated on or betrayed by them.
What it means: Dreams of missing a your wedding or football game can be symbolic of being extremely overworked. Somebody with a ton of responsibilities would be terrified of failing.
What it means: You are feeling vulnerable, self-conscious, or exposed. Haven’t you noticed you always seem to be naked in your dreams in places where you aren’t supposed to be?
What it means: For teenagers, taking a test often represents…Taking a test. But for adults, it can represent self-evaluation.
What it means: Have you ever fallen off a cliff or the jungle gym? This means that you feel a lack of control in your life.
What it means: If your loved one has been absent emotionally, this may manifest as them actually leaving you in a dream.
What it means: When you have a nightmare about yourself or a loved one dying, it’s thought to be a symbolic representation of something in your life dying, and something else beginning.
What it means: Have you ever lost your hair in a dream? It can mean that you fear losing your hair or you fear getting older.
What it means: If you’re being visited by a dead loved one while you sleep, it most likely means you haven’t gotten over your loss yet.
What it means: If you feel bugs on you or see bugs in your dreams, it can literally mean that something is bugging you.
What it means: Tooth loss is a common nightmare that is believed to represent high anxiety in daily life, fear of getting old or a feeling of helplessness.
12. Having Dreams About Being Chased
What it means: Whether it’s someone you know or a monster, being chased can be your fear of the responsibilities you’re avoiding.
11. Having Dreams About Being Cheated On
What it means: If your relationship is failing or if you’re having trust issues with your partner, you may find yourself dreaming about being cheated on or betrayed by them.
10. Having Dreams About Missing Important Events
What it means: Dreams of missing a your wedding or football game can be symbolic of being extremely overworked. Somebody with a ton of responsibilities would be terrified of failing.
9. Having Dreams About Being Naked In Public
What it means: You are feeling vulnerable, self-conscious, or exposed. Haven’t you noticed you always seem to be naked in your dreams in places where you aren’t supposed to be?
8. Having Dreams About Taking A Test
What it means: For teenagers, taking a test often represents…Taking a test. But for adults, it can represent self-evaluation.
7. Having Dreams About Falling
What it means: Have you ever fallen off a cliff or the jungle gym? This means that you feel a lack of control in your life.
6. Having Dreams About Being Left By A Loved One
What it means: If your loved one has been absent emotionally, this may manifest as them actually leaving you in a dream.
5. Having Dreams About Being Death
What it means: When you have a nightmare about yourself or a loved one dying, it’s thought to be a symbolic representation of something in your life dying, and something else beginning.
4. Having Dreams About Going Bald
What it means: Have you ever lost your hair in a dream? It can mean that you fear losing your hair or you fear getting older.
3. Having Dreams About Seeing Dead People
What it means: If you’re being visited by a dead loved one while you sleep, it most likely means you haven’t gotten over your loss yet.
2. Having Dreams About Bugs
What it means: If you feel bugs on you or see bugs in your dreams, it can literally mean that something is bugging you.
1. Having Dreams About Losing Your Teeth
What it means: Tooth loss is a common nightmare that is believed to represent high anxiety in daily life, fear of getting old or a feeling of helplessness.
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