Jun 2, 2016

When we go to bed and close our eyes, we normally want to fall asleep and have a good rest. But sometimes our body has
other plans and starts doing different things on its own, which might be interesting for you to learn. So here we go with
today’s list of weird things that happen to us during sleep. Let’s start right away!

Sudden jerks of even “jumps”
I’m sure it has happened to you at least once. You’re falling asleep, and suddenly… like of a sudden push, you shudder.
This is in fact a very common situation that happens to everybody quite often, and there’s nothing to worry about. This
phenomenon is known as “hypnic jerks” and only happens during sleep. The process of transition to sleep is pretty similar
to transition to death and sometimes your brain isn’t sure if you’ve already kicked the bucket or have just fallen asleep.
To make sure you’re still alive, it sends impulses to the muscles and, as a result, you twitch.

We grit our teeth
The phenomenon called bruxism can manifest itself as the sound of teeth grinding during sleep. This can happen because of
stress or due to jaw malposition. Such sleep for prolonged period of time can result in headaches and teeth problems
requiring medical treatment.

We talk during sleep
Another very common condition, which can even lead to family conflicts. When asleep, we can say a word or a phrase, and
sometimes even quote an entire monologue. But don’t worry: you won’t reveal any of your deep secrets or anything important
at all. Firstly, a person can pronounce uncomprehensive phrases or separate words at moments of transition from one stage
of sleep to another. This happens because the speech center in your brain gets activated, while normally it is blocked
during sleep. Secondly, one can talk during the moments of “temporary awakening”, when the sleeping person is half-awake.
Some individuals even manage to answer questions in this state. However, in the morning they won’t remember anything that
they were asked or said during sleep.

Sexual arousal
There is no surprise in it and you’ve probably noticed it yourself. Men often have nighttime erections, which is natural,
normal and perfectly explainable: the blood gets saturated with oxygen and provokes an erection. Less known is the fact
that it’s not just men who get horny at night. Women also experience certain excitement of vivid erotic dreams. And the
reason for this is once again very biological – at night our body releases hormones, and they bring us to this often
untimely playful state.

Our eyes move
Even under closed eyelids our eyes keep moving, especially during the phase of deep sleep that we’ve mentioned earlier.
Scientists still haven’t agreed of the reasons of this phenomenon. Many of them believe it has to do with intense nerve
stimulation – brain activity during sleep that allows us to organize our memories, send necessary things to deep storage,
erase unnecessary information and optimize memory work overall.

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a relatively rare parasomnia, or sleep-related disorder. Sleepwalking is
provokes by abnormalities in the work of the nervous system,

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