Jun 3, 2016

7 Most MYSTERIOUS, Weird, and Strange Rituals from Around the World

From Hlobonga to creepy wax museims to Scient... these are the 7 most mysterious rituals in the world.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

The Zulus of Southern Africa perform some rituals which are just downright bizarre. When a Zulu man wishes to marry a girl he must obtain consent not from her parents, but from a group of senior girls in the same locality. High school would be very different if these practices were adopted worldwide, especially as these girls are also given power to decide when Hlobonga takes place.

The Freemasons are known for their huge influence over government and banks, and their links to illuminati conspiracies just won’t go away, but whether you believe these tales or not you cannot deny the masons are a pretty mysterious bunch. Once you’re in you’ll learn secret handshakes and code-words to identify other members, but it’s the initiation ceremony which will paints a more realistic picture of the ritual weirdness which awaits you.

Self-flagellation is the practice of whipping yourself to acknowledge either your sins through penance, or to identify with the everyday suffering endured by others. The mysterious Catholic organisation Opus Dei are known to practice this form of self-discipline using knotted ropes, and some even go so far as to wear a spiked metal belt called a Celice to increase the levels of delicious pain.

Did you think crazy rituals were just for humans? Wrong. Recent footage shot in January 2016 has shown a group of West African chimpanzees banging rocks against trees, protecting the rocks, and then putting them inside the trees to form a pile.

When a close friend or relative dies what’s the first thing you want to do? Maybe look through photo albums? Sit silently and relive old memories. Perhaps you’ll write a poem or listen to sad music? But if you’re Madagascan you celebrate the dead a little differently, because you take them out dancing.

Offering up a gift to the gods is a pretty common ritual amongst many religions, because apparently all-powerful beings respond very well to bribery and schmoozing. But for the Catholics who visit the Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim in Brazil, a muffin basket just ain’t gonna do the trick.

Jun 2, 2016

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles is not a question that only the insufferably vain ever ask. Sure, wrinkles are a sign of a life well lived, the inevitable marks of all the thoughts and emotions that have passed across our faces. Worry lines, laugh lines, crow's feet, they're all there. They should be carried with pride. However, the harsh truth is that for many of us, wrinkles are caused not by age but by bad habits. Squinting, frowning, squeezing our foreheads while we talk, smoking, improper skin care -- all these take a toll on our faces and leave marks that age us prematurely.

This video uses an extraordinary math trick to guess your name! You guys have requested this video for years and now its finally here...

When we go to bed and close our eyes, we normally want to fall asleep and have a good rest. But sometimes our body has
other plans and starts doing different things on its own, which might be interesting for you to learn. So here we go with
today’s list of weird things that happen to us during sleep. Let’s start right away!

Sudden jerks of even “jumps”
I’m sure it has happened to you at least once. You’re falling asleep, and suddenly… like of a sudden push, you shudder.
This is in fact a very common situation that happens to everybody quite often, and there’s nothing to worry about. This
phenomenon is known as “hypnic jerks” and only happens during sleep. The process of transition to sleep is pretty similar
to transition to death and sometimes your brain isn’t sure if you’ve already kicked the bucket or have just fallen asleep.
To make sure you’re still alive, it sends impulses to the muscles and, as a result, you twitch.

We grit our teeth
The phenomenon called bruxism can manifest itself as the sound of teeth grinding during sleep. This can happen because of
stress or due to jaw malposition. Such sleep for prolonged period of time can result in headaches and teeth problems
requiring medical treatment.

We talk during sleep
Another very common condition, which can even lead to family conflicts. When asleep, we can say a word or a phrase, and
sometimes even quote an entire monologue. But don’t worry: you won’t reveal any of your deep secrets or anything important
at all. Firstly, a person can pronounce uncomprehensive phrases or separate words at moments of transition from one stage
of sleep to another. This happens because the speech center in your brain gets activated, while normally it is blocked
during sleep. Secondly, one can talk during the moments of “temporary awakening”, when the sleeping person is half-awake.
Some individuals even manage to answer questions in this state. However, in the morning they won’t remember anything that
they were asked or said during sleep.

Sexual arousal
There is no surprise in it and you’ve probably noticed it yourself. Men often have nighttime erections, which is natural,
normal and perfectly explainable: the blood gets saturated with oxygen and provokes an erection. Less known is the fact
that it’s not just men who get horny at night. Women also experience certain excitement of vivid erotic dreams. And the
reason for this is once again very biological – at night our body releases hormones, and they bring us to this often
untimely playful state.

Our eyes move
Even under closed eyelids our eyes keep moving, especially during the phase of deep sleep that we’ve mentioned earlier.
Scientists still haven’t agreed of the reasons of this phenomenon. Many of them believe it has to do with intense nerve
stimulation – brain activity during sleep that allows us to organize our memories, send necessary things to deep storage,
erase unnecessary information and optimize memory work overall.

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a relatively rare parasomnia, or sleep-related disorder. Sleepwalking is
provokes by abnormalities in the work of the nervous system,

Have you ever thought that a needle is something you should always have in your pocket? Maybe you haven’t, but after reading this article you’ll feel differently for sure. A needle can actually help you save yours or someone else’s life and we’ll show you how.

The simple trick we’re about to share can help you in case of a stroke and can make all the difference, at least until the paramedics arrive. When someone is having a stroke the brain capillaries start to tear and the brain stops receiving the needed amount of oxygen.

This causes the brain cells to start dying off and it requires immediate medical help or could have deadly consequences.

What should you do in case you find yourself in such a situation, if you or someone close to you is having a stroke?

The first thing you need to do is stay calm and call 911 immediately. Then, until the paramedics arrive don’t move the person who’s having a stroke but just grab a needle. It’s best if you have a medical needle but if you don’t a regular one will do just fine. Make sure you sterilize it before you use it. After you’ve sterilized it take the needle and prick the tips of all ten fingers with it, as close to the nails possible and as fast as you can.

Now wait for the blood to start flowing from the fingers. If you don’t see any blood coming out you should squeeze the fingers and once the blood starts flowing the person will regain consciousness. That’s it. This simple trick can make all the difference and help you save someone’s life. Now all you need to do is wait for the paramedics to arrive.

In case you notice that the person’s mouth is crooked you should start massaging the patient’s ears until they become red, in order to improve his blood flow. Next you should prick the softest part of the earlobe twice and wait for two drops of blood to come out. In just a few minutes his mouth should return to normal and the crisis has passed.

Now all you have to do is wait for the paramedics to arrive and they’ll do the rest. Congratulations, you’ve just saved someone’s life!
In order to save money and energy, a lot of people replaced their old standard light bulbs with eco -friendly new generation energy- saving light bulbs.

Nevertheless, these energy- efficient bulbs are extremely toxic. According to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency, if  broken indoors, these light bulbs release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration in the air. Consequently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released.
Energy saving bulbs contain mercury
As previously stated, these energy- saving light bulbs contain mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys, and it can also damage the reproductive, cardiovascular and immune system. Furthermore, mercury can cause anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, tremors, cancer and Alzheimer’s.
Moreover, these light bulbs have a number of negative effects for our health, including:
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Cluster headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Inability to concentrate
 Avoid these light bulbs and go back to incandescent bulbs.

We have all been to a theme park at one point or two in our lives. Whether we’re pass holders to Disneyland or can’t get enough thrills at a Six Flags park, we love theme parks and want more of them. Theme parks are part of the world’s favorite past time. From roller coaster-centric parks to fairytale-centric, the tickets are high and the souvenirs are expensive, and people are willing to shell out as much money as possible to ensure that they have a good time.

Jun 1, 2016

They’re some of our most used inventions, so you would think we’d be able to credit them properly, right? Apparently not, as these ten commonly used and rather important inventions are often attributed to the wrong visionary and creator. 
10. Steam Engine
9. Automobiles
8. Desktop Computer / GUI
7. Flush Toilet
6. Peanut Butter
5. X-Rays
4. Telescope
3. Light Bulb
2. Radio
1. Telephone
Hair loss is a very common problem affecting both men and women of all ages. It can happen suddenly, for no apparent reason but it can have a detrimental effect on one’s self-esteem. Everyone who’s experienced hair loss knows that there are not so many remedies which can fix the condition and stimulate new hair growth.

If you’re among the unfortunate ones who are dealing with this problem you needn’t worry anymore, we’ve got the perfect natural remedy which will stop hair loss and stimulate new hair growth in a short period of time. The best part about this remedy is that it’s completely natural, toxins-free, easy to make and has no adverse side-effects. Here’s what you’ll need.

1 raw egg (the yolk only)
½ banana
½ cup of beer (100 ml)
1-2 tablespoon of honey

The preparation of this amazing remedy couldn’t be simpler. Just add all the ingredients in a blender and blend until everything is combined.

Apply the mixture on the areas affected by hair loss and leave it on for a few hours. If the area feels hot don’t worry, it’s a good sign that the remedy is effective and your skin is responding well. Repeat the process at least once a week and soon you’ll notice amazing results.

May 30, 2016

Often the situation can be very difficult and for you it’s easier to thing negatively. The story will understand those who are positive and torn trough joy in life. The true way we shall look at life and all its wonders. Please read the story.

‘’Two men are seriously ill and in the same hospital room. For an hour each day, the nurses would let the man closest to the room’s only window sit up in order to help drain the fluid in his lungs.

The other man in the room spent all his time flat on his back.

As you can imagine, with little else to do, the men would talk for hours. They spoke about their families, homes, their lives in the military and where they had travelled.

And each day, the man sitting away from the window longed for the hour when his roommate would be able to sit up and describe the details of the world outside their room.

He would speak of children playing, of animals peacefully roaming and of happy families playing in the water.

Sadly, after months of this, the day arrived when the man closest to the window died in his sleep. After his body had been removed from the room and some time had passed, the other man asked if he could take the bed by the window. The nurses were happy to oblige him and they made the switch.

Once they were gone, the man slowly and painfully pulled himself up so he could take his first good look at the world outside the hospital room, the world whose description had brought him so much comfort.

To his dismay, he found that the view was not as vibrant as he’d been told; in fact, the window faced a blank wall.

Upset, the man called for the nurse and explained the situation.

“Why would he lie to me?” he questioned the nurse.

After thinking for a moment, the nurse looked at him and said:

“Maybe he just wanted to encourage you.”

This must be lesson to learn for all of us. We can do tremendous good for those who we love only by looking on the bright side. Even when we’re faced with what seems like an impenetrable brick wall, we can bring so much happiness and joy to those around us if we find positive ways of looking at the world.

A research that was carried out in Germany has revealed that plastic clogs contain a frightening number of carcinogen substances which may put the one that wears them at a high risk of developing cancers
For this research, 10 pairs of plastic clogs were taken from reputed companies and tested in the laboratory. The researchers were truly surprised to find out that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were present in 6 of the 10 tested samples. PAHs are highly carcinogenic materials which, if absorbed can induce mutations in the cells. They are extremely dangerous if inhaled, but they can be also absorbed through the skin. Black clogs were especially high in these carcinogens. In 7 of the 10 pairs of the tested clogs were found both solvents and heavy metals. These toxic substances are absorbed in the body through the skin so, if you still want to wear these cancer-causing sandals, be sure to put socks on. The research has shown that original Crocs didn’t contain any PAHs, but they did have at least 4 allergic solvents

May 28, 2016

A person can gain citizenship by birth, marriage, employment, or in some cases by check. So where can you buy citizenship?


The best way to lose weight is by speeding up the metabolism.

There are natural foods that can accelerate and only if the spices are changed in the diet.

2 Hunger is not the best choice when you want to lose weight.

Kilograms are easy to melt when combined food and natural ingredients that stimulate metabolism are used.

Scientists at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran have formed two groups, each consisting of 44 women who have problems with excess weight.

3 months for women in both groups on healthy eating were advised and they consumed less than 500 calories per day.

The first group has consumed 3 grams of powdered cumin a day, mixed with 140g of yogurt.

Another group of women consumed the same amount of yogurt without the addition of cumin.

After three months, the group who ate yogurt with cumin lost about 14 pounds compared to women who drank plain yogurt.

Research is even more impressive when you consider the fact that the participants in the first group lost more fat 14.64 percent than the other group lost 4.91 percent fat.

What matters is why the respondents were losing weight is that this spice contains filosterole, a chemical plant, known to prevent retention of cholesterol in the body. Scientists believe this is because cumin speeds up the metabolism.

If you want to try this spice do not need to add it to yogurt, you can add to any dish. The specias can easily mix and enhance the flavor of dishes.

7 Racist And Sexist Ads That Are Shockingly Recent

May 27, 2016

Acne can be frustrating, and even embarrassing, at nearly any age. The red, inflamed skin can even be painful. This common disease (and it is classified as a skin disease by the National Institute of Health) is the result of clogged follicles and glands. Though frustrating and uncomfortable, it isn’t dangerous according to the NIH. While getting rid of acne takes a bit of devotion to your skin care regimen, it doesn’t have to be expensive or take a lot of time. In fact, the solution to your breakouts may be growing in your vegetable garden.

May 26, 2016

The strangest and craziest females you have ever seen seen are right here. From the tinniest waist to the most giant legs!

Johnson & Johnson is one of the biggest and most popular companies of baby care products. However, most of the parents are not aware that they are exposing their children to a great health risk by using these baby cosmetic products.

The products of this manufacturer contain toxic ingredients that can damage the gentle skin of the babies, and that can weaken their immune system which can lead to numerous chronic autoimmune diseases.
Johnson & Johnson Baby Care Products Contain Toxic Ingredients

There are a few toxic ingredients found in Johnson & Johnson products, which can expose your child to many pathogens and chronic illnesses. One of these ingredients is 1,4-dioxane.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, this compound can be responsible for many health issues, including headaches, vertigo, drowsiness, skin irritation, as well as liver damage.

Another toxic ingredient, quaternium-15, is found in Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo. This quaternary ammonium salt releases formaldehyde which can be responsible for causing cancer. Over a period of time, this carcinogen can cause reactions on the skin of your baby.

According to Johnson & Johnson, these toxic chemicals will be removed from the American products. This company sells toxin-free products in other countries, including Japan, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

Nevertheless, you may consider finding another option for providing your child with a safer body care. Some of the companies which produce healthy and safe products are Burt’s Bees, Little Twig, Baby Ganics, Aveeno, and California Baby.
There are a lot of products on the market to fight this menace, but most of them have certain drawbacks: Cockroaches are disappearing, but in a short time, an unpleasant odor remains in the house, and chemical products are dangerous to the health of humans and animals.

There is one proven way to get rid of cockroaches.

Recipe consists in the following:

Take 1 raw egg yolk, pour 30-50 grams of boric acid powder (borax or boric powder acid). Mix until get a slurry mixture. From this mixture make balls with a diameter about 1 cm. Wait until dry (about an hour) and distribute them all over the house in visible places and corners. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathroom. Do not forget that the place should be visible, not from your point of view, but from the point of view of the cockroaches: Parts of shelves, racks, closets, kitchen cabinets and all that is above your eyes.

Cockroach will not feel the boric ball, but be sure it will come out of curiosity. It will touch it by its mustache, and will be doomed, if not to death, then the infernal itching. It will not be able to warn the others, and not just because their communication did not reach the high level of development, but because the boric balls.

These balls are harmless to humans and pets, so they can be safely placed in the house or apartment in which are small children, dogs or cats.

Thus, the balls will approach more and more new and healthy bugs and go seriously ill. Furthermore, such a cockroach is able to infect a healthy counterpart in touch with it.

At first you will be as cockroaches do not care about your tricks, how moving calm and do not feel any discomfort. But after 3-4 weeks you will have to clean every day an enormous amount of dead bugs (of course if you have had a lot). After that bugs disappear! If after 6 months appear cockroaches, so females (or only one) were able to lay eggs and hatched the new generation. The method is fighting – the same.

Sometimes cockroaches can run to neighbors, where they tried to poison them. If your balls are in place, do not worry, as they come running, they will also escape.

Boric acid is not toxic, it is used for disinfection, 3% boric acid is acidi borici, eye wash solution. If you do not find boric acid powder, use a 3% solution of boric acid, which is sold in every pharmacy at an affordable price.
Most dangerous, most violent prisons in the world. These brutal maximum security prisons are so bad that they will make even the toughest of criminals think twice before committing violent dangerous crimes.

May 25, 2016

When it comes to deciding which nail color to go for, you go all gaga over the layer of chicness it will add to your personality.

You have to be very precise and very careful with your choice. Some of the colors are definitely your priority. The color of your nail tells a lot of things about you and people take the color as synonymous with your personality.

Now, what exactly does each color say? How will you know?


Pink nail polish is a dead ringer for a girly-girl. It implies that you’d play with dolls if it was a society norm.


In case, orange is your color, you are a person who sees the half-full glass than the empty one. You are an optimist around the clock. Your energy and creativity often rub on other people.

If purple is your first choice, then your brain cells are full of creativity.

Stuck on the threshold between black and white, you are a rather indecisive person and generally, run away from risks. But, no matter what, you are an absolute stunner and turn heads wherever you go.

You are trustworthy and loyal if blue is your choice. Honesty, confidence and remaining stable are your best traits.


Symbolizing sunshine, this color represents fresh starts.


You are fierce and have a side to you which is volatile and aggressive. Red color also indicates passion and heat.


Indicating purity and innocence, white is a representative of neatness and cleanliness. You are considered as pleasant, sweet and approachable.


If you prefer wearing black color on your nails, then you have a mysterious streak which intrigues almost everyone you come in contact with.
Bananas are extremely beneficial fruit and that is well known fact, but it is important to mention that banana peel has potent properties which are not negligible.

Majority people throw the peel away after eating the banana, but it is interesting that people in certain countries, such as India use the nutritional benefits of the banana skin by eating it for decades.

Below you can read about several uses of banana peel:

Banana peel for teeth whitening

Every day, in a period of two week, rub your teeth with the inner side of a banana peel. After certain period of time, you will notice amazing results.

Curing psoriasis

It is important to mention that this skin disease can’t be totally cured with banana peel, but the peel is able to soothe the symptoms of psoriasis.

Acne and wrinkle – free

It is interesting that banana is excellent for total skin care. That is due to the fact that banana has antioxidants and anti – aging properties. Bananas hydrate and nourish the skin. It is recommended to rub the banana peel on the skin, especially in the irritated and problematic areas. Leave it to stay for half an hour.

Remove skin warts

Skin warts are skin issue that can be solved with a banana peel. It is amazing that not only can remove them with it, but also you can prevent their appearance in the future. You need to place a piece of banana peel over the wart on your skin and fix it with a bandage. Leave it to stay overnight. You should repeat this until you totally remove the wart.

Banana peel as an analgetic

It is recommended to rub the painful spots on your body with a banana peel as it is an excellent analgetic.

Banana peel for losing weight

Bananas contain potassium and large part of that potassium is contained in banana peel. It is amazing that it contains about 40% of the potassium.

Potassium is mineral that is necessary in case if you want to lose weight. That is due to the fact it boosts metabolism, so you burn more calories and muscles have enough energy. If you have energy, you can be more active.

In addition to this, banana peel contains many other useful compounds, such as antioxidants, fiber, B – vitamins, vitamin A.

Another interesting fact is that fiber is more present in the peel, than in the banana itself and the fiber keeps you full for a longer period.

After reading this, you know that banana peel is not useless, but it has incredible weight – loss benefits.

Bananas Skins with Black – Eyed Peas


4 green banana peels
2 tablespoons unsweetened grated coconut
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons coconut oil
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
½ black – eyed peas (if using fresh, soak overnight)
Juice of one lime


First of all, chop peels into small pieces and boil in water with turmeric and dash of salt. In order to prevent sap from sticking to your pot, add a few drops of oil to the water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until skins are tender. Drain, reserving water for a later use (we like to use it to cook rice or as a base for soup).

In case if you are going to use fresh black – eyed peas, you should boil until tender. If using canned, rinse and drain beans.

Next step is to heat coconut oil in skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they begin to pop. After that, add the boiled peels and black-eyed peas, stir, and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in coconut. Add salt to taste and finish with lime juice. Serve.

Green or yellow banana peel?

Experts explain that cancer fighting characteristics are more present in ripe bananas and they can help your body create white blood cells.

Still, in case if your intention is to lose weight, green peels are better as they contain more probiotics. Probiotics help your digestive health. Also, it has been shown that green peels increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine.

Probably, for many of you it will be hard to eat the peel, but below you can read some ways you can do that:

We suggest you to prepare a smoothie. You need to throw away both ends of the peel and put it in a blender, adding some coconut milk, cinnamon, ice, and any other ingredient you like. If you choose this method, use yellow peels because they have a banana flavor and are sweeter.

Another option is to prepare tea from ripe bananas. In order to do that, first of all remove the ends and boil the peel in a pot for about 10 minutes. Strain it and enjoy your banana tea. If you want your tea sweeter, add a little honey.

Last, but not least, green bananas are better for cooking. For example, you can use green banana peels to prepare chutneys or curries, or even use them instead of potatoes. All you need is to be creative.

Note: It is highly recommended to buy organic bananas and clean them thoroughly before use.
Texting has changed modern communication in a lot of different ways. With all of the various acronyms, lingo, and endless supply of emojis, having a conversation has definitely become more complicated than it used to be.

The amount of ways that you can express yourself through your phone keyboard can be overwhelming for those who are less text-savvy. With the numerous pages of emojis, you’ve probably wondered to yourself if you are even using them correctly.

While some emojis may seem fairly obvious, there are still people who think that the poop emoji is an ice cream cone. Time to brush up on your emoji etiquette and learn what these emojis actually mean.
Onions are a natural cure for many health problems. It is the best remedy for severe vomiting and as a general antibiotic that can boost your immune system.

The onion is from the allium family and is rich in sulfur providing the onion with its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Onion is also extremely high in antioxidant Querectin which helps the body to fight free radicals.

Natural Cures. Respiratory conditions respond well to onion juice as it is a great expectorant. Onions are good for cholesterol levels, heart, arthritis, a great antioxidant, and good for diabetes due to its flavonoid and sulfur compounds. Onions have been used as a standard treatment for thousands of years.


Breakup chest congestion- Crush an onion within coconut oil. Coat the chest with onion paste and cover the chest with a dish towel then a shirt.

Colic- Cherokee Indian recipe for colic babies: Boil a small amount of diced yellow onion in water. Let the onion cool in the water then drain. Feed a teaspoon of the onion tea to the baby every hour until the baby appears to have some relief.

Ear pain/infection– Chop onion and put them into a thin sock and tie the sock closed. Place the flattened onion sock over the troubled ear and cover the head/ear/sock with a hat to hold the sock in place. Remove when pain is gone.

Cuts- The transparent film of the onion skin will stop moderate bleeding immediately. It also acts as an antiseptic for the wound.

Cough- Peel a large onion and slice in half. Cover the face of each onion with 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and cover the onions for one hour. The sugar/onion relish should be taken twice a day to help with the cough.

Fever- Slice an onion into thin slices. Rub the bottom of the feet with coconut oil. Put a thin slice into the arch of each foot and wrap with cling wrap. Cover the onion/feet with sock over night to allow the onion to draw out toxins and the illness from the body.

Cleanse the air- Place slices of onion on plates throughout your house to purify the air of viruses and bacteria.

Vomiting- Grate 1 white or yellow onion. Press the onion juice from the onion wrapped in a cheesecloth. Brew a strong cup of peppermint tea and let it cool. Drink 2 teaspoons of the onion juice and wait 5 minutes. Drink 2 teaspoons of the cool peppermint tea and wait 5 minutes. Repeat both the onion juice and peppermint tea until the symptoms subside. Vomiting should stop immediately and the nausea should go away within 15 minutes.


  • Rub a cut onion on you to repel bugs
  • Onion juice rubbed into your hair promotes growth
  • Onion juice repels moths
  • Boiled and cooled onion juice sprayed onto plants repels pests
  • Rub an onion slice into the face of an iron to prevent rusting
  • Polish copper and glassware with an onion slice
  • Rub a cut onion on you to prevent freckling

The  World Health Organization has recognized the ability of onion to relieve coughs, congestion, bronchitis and respiratory infections.
  • Quickly Minimize to Desktop
  • Reopen a closed tab in your web browser
  • Quickly SNAP windows to the side
  • Paste text without formatting
  • Instant Screenshot to a file
  • Quickly Lock your PC screen
  • Copy a file with a simple click and drag
  • Delete entire words instead of just letters
  • How to instantly magnify your screen
  • Quickly access your Hard Drives

May 24, 2016

These hemorrhoids home treatment recipes will help you cure hemorrhoids fast.

The following vitals have a location right under the rib cage. They are responsible for cleansing and detox, i.e. filtering 10-150 quarts blood daily. This is essential for all the body functions and keeping the blood healthy too.The kidneys are responsible for excessive fluids or waste material from the organism. They regulate the levels of electrolytes and keep bones healthy and strong, make more red blood cells and stabilize the blood pressure.

If the kidneys are in trouble and can no longer function, as usual, the health is in big trouble. Read carefully to recognize and prevent and problems linked to kidney damage or failure:


When kidneys start to fail at their “job”, they can get rid of excess fluids less and less and this will make the face bloated and swollen, also the joints and limbs.


The most obvious and early signs are these:
Trouble urinating
Pressure during the process
Dark urine, less frequent urinating and with small amounts
Pale color of urine, frequent and in large amounts
Foamy urine
Many urge to urinate during the night


The waste buildup in our body can be linked to kidney failure – the skin gets a lot of rashes and itching. All the waste gets piled up in the blood and makes the skin look unhealthy, dry and irritated. Lotions and creams and cosmetics can ease up a little bit, but don’t solve the problem which comes from the inside – IF the rash is directly caused by the kidney problems of course.


If the kidneys are healthy they produce EPO (erythropoietin), a hormone that makes more red blood cells which bring oxygen to where is needed. If the red blood cells number is lowered, fatigue will occur and it will have an impact on the brain and muscles too. This is also a sign of severe anemia.


It is a common problem, but it might be linked to kidney damage. If the body doesn’t have enough oxygen, it is because of the low number of red blood cells that deliver the oxygen everywhere. The amount of these blood cells is connected to the harmful piled up toxins in the lungs.


The waste accumulated in the blood will change your taste to foods and even cause bad breath all the time. Another sign of kidney damage is a severe change in certain foods or poor appetite.


The ache in the upper back is another symptom of this condition – that is the same area more or less where kidneys are placed. Pain can be triggered even more by infections or kidney stones.


Bad oxygen flow to the brain is a clear sign of serious anemia, but also kidney failure. It will mess up the focus and concentration, make you light headed and dizzy and cause memory troubles.

Incorporate healthier foods in your diet and have more antioxidant foods or supplements. That ay your kidneys will work at their best and process good material too.
Here is an awesome list of baking soda life hacks and alternative uses to solve all kinds of common household problems! From cleaning your grill to making a natural air freshener. We’ve even got a few science experiments you can try using baking soda. Grab your sodium bicarbonate and let’s get baking!

Even though baking soda is extremely safe you should always be careful when dealing with chemical reactions of any type. Eye protection should be worn and a fire extinguisher near by. If chemicals will be handled then safety gloves should always be worn. If you’re a minor, make sure you have adult supervision whenever you attempt any science experiments. 

Topics covered in this video:
1. Learn how to clean your grill using baking soda
2. Make a natural air freshener 
3. Get rid of heartburn or acid reflux 
4. Get stains out of Tupperware and plastic containers
5. Make your own black snakes fireworks with sugar and baking soda
6. Baking soda and ketchup prank
7. DIY Carpet Cleaner
8. Put out a grease fire
9. Get rid of shoe odor
10. Naturally unclog a drain with baking soda and vinegar

May 23, 2016

When two YouTube pranksters get together, you know one of them is bound to get tricked. That’s exactly what happened when Roman Atwood paid a visit to his friend Vitaly from YouTube channel VitalyzdTV.

It all started when Roman decided to prank Vitaly with something that could potentially hurt him quite a bit: his beautiful mother, who was itching to get some revenge on her son.

Mobile phones expose us to harmful levels of radiation. Moreover, these gadgets emit dangerous, non-ionizing form of electromagnetic radiation and our bodies absorb this radiation and as a result we struggle with numerous health problems.

A study conducted at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, published in the Biochemical Journal, found that a single use of your mobile for 10 minutes triggers changes in your brain cells that are closely related with cell division and cancer.

If you don’t know this, lemons are one of the very most amazing fruits that maintain some of the most powerful natural bonds that are known as limonoids.

These bonds have the ability to lessen or even stop the progress of tumor, especially those people who have breasts cancer tumor.

Research has proven the effects of lemon to be totally true, the complete anatomy of the super fruit can be used as well as providing extremely health benefits to the body in so doing!

Actually, the crust of the lemon has ten times more vitamin supplements than the real juice!

From lemons being anti carcinogenic away, lemons have the ability to help detoxify and even offer you anti-microbial help. Which means that it can kill worms, parasites, fungus, and unwanted bacteria.

Lemons can be used to fight against depression and stress also!

If you are wondering about how precisely you could possibly eat the crust of a lemon, do not fret, for there’s a way to get ready this little bit of the lemon!

As you have a full rinse and lemon it off well, place it into the freezer and allow it freeze over. You can even cut the lemon and place the average person parts in to the refrigerator.

Following the lemon is freezing, grind it up or you can grate it, whichever method you like. Then, sprinkle your surface iced lemon onto your chosen drinks, glaciers cream, soups, pasta, salad, you name it!

There’s a complete whole lot of potential you can certainly do with this iced treat. It has helped you to definitely a much healthier approach to life maybe!
Top 10 shocking human - animal relationships
According to the month you are born you can find out what are your characteristics.
Ladies that are born in January are remarkably ambitious, but rather serious and conservative. Women born in this month are prone to be very critical, yet they don’t want to talk about their own feelings. They let to approach them only people that are on the same intellectual level with them and that share the same views on life.
February females are very romantic, and you need to treat them with patience. Not every person can understand them, due to their changing mood. These women have a slightly abstract way of thinking. You need to know that if you betray them, you are never going to see them again.
Women born in March have strong charisma and charm. They are very loyal and dedicated. These ladies are hard to fall in love. They are also very cute until you upset them.  But, to live with a person that is born in March is a real pleasure.

April-born females are diplomats and they can interact quite easily with every person. At times, they know to pity themselves. Most of them are very jealous, and if it happens to burst, it better for you to move away.  The April girl is going to make you the happiest man on Earth. They open their soul to those who earn their trust and try not to lose it.
May women are very persistent and loyal to the principles they have. They are also very attractive, and combined with their difficult character, they can become dangerous to any man that falls in love with them. This is the reason why you are going to remember them as long as they are alive.
These are very curious girls, communicative and creative. Their flaw is they speak before they think. June women think that it’s better to tell the truth in the face, than to speak from the back. Also, they are very dangerous players in love and very often men become a toy in their hands.
Ladies born in July are very honest, mysterious, beautiful and very intelligent. They don’t want conflicts and are very polite to everyone. Besides, you can easily lose them forever, but if you cheat on them they will never forget.
This is a unique combination of self-centeredness and great heart. You should try to not mess with these ladies, as sooner or later she will win. Women born in August have an exceptional sense of humor, but they don’t like being mocked. If this happens, you will not be aware what hit you. They always want to be the center of the attention and never suffer from the attention of men. In their presence men lose their heads.
Born in September, these ladies are kind, disciplined, and beautiful.  They never forgive those who will betray them. Therefore, you should be careful not to hurt them as they will seek revenge. These women want long relationships, which mean that they are not girls for only one night. On the other hand, they are very critical and they have high expectations of their partners. The man who would prove, will win.
Ladies born in October have strong character. They are very emotional, but they don’t cry in front of other people. They are very smart, and don’t open their soul to everyone, as they think that people tend to abuse it. The other women very often hate them since they envy them.
November ladies are always one step ahead of the others, and they can very easy recognize a lie. You shouldn’t play with these women since you will get the worst end of it. About these women you need to know  that if you are ready to hear the truth, you should never ask them for their opinion.
The ladies born in December can be very impatient, but lucky, since they always find a way to get out of any situation as winners.  These women know how to lift the mood. They have an open heart.  They are disposed to be hurt a lot, but since God is on their side, at the end these females get what they deserve.
Over the years, people have been using this natural drink as an excellent way to boost their energy and their immune system, and to improve their blood. Bit it started to gain popularity since it was reported to be beneficial in the cancer treatment.

Not only that’s beneficial, but this juice has really simple and quick preparation. You will need about 2-3 minutes to make it. However, it doesn’t taste so good, but keep in mind of all the incredible benefits you will gain from its consumption. So, don’t hesitate because this juice deserves to be tried.

This natural juice will be your magical elixir whenever you feel depressed, or tired all the time and you need an extra energy.

Required Ingredients
  • 35 oz / 1 kg of honey
  • 35 oz / 1kg of beetroot
  • 17 oz / ½ kg of carrots
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 oranges
  • 3 apples

First, wash the fruits and vegetables well. Then, peel the lemon and oranges and put them in a blender together with the rest of ingredients. Mix them well, and you have your juice. Store the reddish mixture in a jar or a bottle and keep it in a fridge.


Drink half a glass of this powerful juice on an empty stomach every morning.

May 22, 2016

Parents – we all have them and we all have memories of what it was like growing up with them. When we were little, our parents were our friends, our bosses, our leaders, our protectors and our discipliners. They kept us in line – or tried to – provided for us and taught us valuable life lessons that helped us later on in life. As we grew up, many of us decided to try our hand at having kids and the students became the masters – or so we thought. Covered in throw-up at 4am, cleaning out scrapes and cuts, replacing broken windows and taking phone calls from angry teachers and neighbors, it was soon discovered that being a parent could be very hard. Despite the challenges, most parents do an alright job. Most, but not all. Unfortunately there are more than a few people out there who probably should have thought twice about having kids. Maybe they weren’t financially ready or maybe their home wasn’t stable enough to take on a new addition. In the following examples, you’ll see that these parents often made bad or very questionable decisions. Sometimes the children weren’t harmed at all by their irresponsible parents – sometimes they were. While the level of danger or risk posed to the child in each of these following scenarios differs, we can bet most people will agree that these parents qualify for ‘most irresponsible’ status.

Underarm excessive sweating, also called axillary hyperhidrosis is an uncontrollable, annoying, embarrassing, and isolating problem (to say the least). From the discomfort of sweat running down your sides, to the embarrassment of obvious sweat stains, to the fear of being "discovered," uncontrollable underarm sweating can feel like it's ruining your life.

But there is good news: Safe treatments for excessive sweating are available, the treatments work, and you have a number of options to choose from--or combine.

sweating , sweat, shirt, 
Many people don’t notice the colored stripe on the bottom of their toothpaste, or they’ve noticed it, but don’t know its meaning. We’ll explain the meaning of the several colors that can be found on the bottom of toothpastes, and perhaps it will change your way of buying them.

The different colors represent the different compositions of the toothpastes.

Here’s their meaning:

  • Green – All Natural
  • Blue – Natural + Medicines
  • Red – Natural + Chemicals
  • Chemicals Black – All Chemicals

Some people say that this labeling has nothing has nothing to do with the composition of the toothpaste and that the composition is written in the ingredients list.

However, there are multiple articles stating that the colors really represent the composition. Of course, the choice is always yours.

toothpaste,teeth,health, Colgate ,teeth brush,

May 20, 2016

Does stashing a bottle of olive oil in your bathroom or hall closet sound absurd? It may seem odd to keep some anywhere but the kitchen, but this healthy dietary fat offers many amazing uses other than cooking. Check out these ideas that make it a must-have beauty and household product. (Note: Always speak with your health care provider before trying any medical remedies.)

1. Remove eye makeup. Dip a cotton pad into olive oil. Wipe it beneath your eyes and on your eyelids to remove eyeliner and mascara. Rinse with warm water and a washcloth and follow-up with your face wash.

2. Soothe chapped lips. Make your own lip balm with olive oil. Mix some coarse sugar with a teaspoon of olive oil. For some flavor and aroma, add a splash of lemon juice.

3. Moisturize skin. Apply a small amount of oil to nail beds to soften cuticles. A good time to do so? When you're cooking with olive oil. Also, put a thin layer all over your skin after a waxing or a shower. It will act as an intense moisturizer to soothe extra-dry skin.

4. Rejuvenate your face. Make an olive oil face mask.

5. Get a shiny mane. Rub a few drops on the ends of your dry hair. You'll be left with a glossy and shiny head of hair—and not have to buy a shine serum. (It also tames flyaways.)

6. Give your hair some overall TLC. Nourish, condition and detangle your hair with a DIY olive oil hair mask.

7. Soothe stretch marks. When you have stretch marks, you'll likely try anything to help get rid of them. Apply a generous amount of oil to affected areas every morning.

8. Use it as a shaving cream substitute. If you're out of shaving cream, lather legs with some olive oil. This natural lubricant will offer a close shave, preventing razor bumps and burn. Plus, it will moisturize your skin.

9. Repair cracked heels. Give rough heels some attention. Exfoliate with a pumice stone, then apply olive oil to feet. Lock in the moisturizing treatment by wearing cotton socks while you sleep.

10. Loosen earwax. Put some drops of olive oil in ears for a few consecutive nights. It will help reduce earwax buildup.

11. Get rid of chewing gum in hair. Put down the scissors! Apply some oil to the gum and hair around it. Leave on for five to 10 minutes; remove the gum.

12. Remove paint from hair. You aren't stuck with the color of your son's bedroom in your hair forever! Dab some oil onto a cotton ball. Rub it gently into your mane to get rid of the paint.

13. Alleviate cradle cap. Apply some oil to baby's cradle cap twice a day. Let it sit for a few minutes. Brush off the flakes.

14. Take care of your cat. Put 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon olive oil in your cat's food. It will help prevent hair balls.

15. Revive rain boots. Rub vinyl or rubber boots with olive oil and you'll eliminate any white marks. Just don't get oil on the soles, or you may slip the next time you wear the boots.

16. Unstick a zipper. Apply a drop of olive oil to a cotton swab. Rub it on the teeth, avoiding the fabric. The zipper should go up and down easily.

17. Avoid wax build-up on a candle holder. Before you put the candle into the holder, rub a thin coat of oil onto the holder's base. Dripped wax should easily peel off.

18. Shine stainless steel. Rub some olive oil on stainless steel pots, pans, flatware and sinks as an effective and safe way to make them shine. Unlike a harsh product like ammonia, this gentle one won't corrode or dull your stainless-steel items.

19. Dust wooden furniture. Apply some oil to a cloth. Wipe. Now take in your clean and shiny furniture.

20. Quiet a squeaky door. To lubricate and silence sticky door hinges, dab some oil onto a cloth. Wipe the top of the hinges so the oil goes down the sides. You can also rub the cloth on a creaky doorknob.

21. Unstick a ring. Rub some olive oil on a ring that's stuck. The oil will make it more slippery and it should slide off.

22. And finally  remove stickers. Apply a bit of oil onto a label or sticker. Let sit a few minutes. The sticker should easily peel off, without leaving behind any residue.

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