Feb 29, 2016
4:06 PM
Dave Z King
art, news
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In the past, music was provided by ascending belefito Mall foci for New Year's festivities bep’egimē months of 2007, and September 16, 2008, and arranged in the same place by the Cross celebration (Desta) "was about to step into love," the term was intended to be held in the appropriate concert preparations completed it is worth mentioning again that the program is part of the reason for the trip belemeginyetechini proper license.
February 26, 2008 will now be held in the Auditorium of the Music Similarly, efforts to get permission from the person concerned, a daily-changing decision, if repetitive strain due to inadequate preparation for the third time, after discussion with friends and sorry if high inideyikedi matters express le’āfik’eriwochechini it is.
3:44 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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One of the fastest growing businesses in the world today is a company called Uber. For those who do not know what Uber is; it is essentially a Mobile App (a computer program, using a cell phone), which makes it possible for you to call a "taxi". Uber does not own any taxis or cars of its own. The App sends a message (similar to an SMS), to the nearest registered but independent Uber driver, within your vicinity. The car will usually arrive at your location, within 5 minutes.
Whilst using one of these services, the owner of the car, proudly told me that he was making a lot of money, as the service brings him customers. Uber take a commission, and also do the billing. All he has to do is turn up. Then the driver, added this:
"Uber has no assets, just some computer servers."
Seeing that he was a smart entrepreneur, I then engaged him in a wider conversation, about business:
I asked him so many questions, that he finally asked me, "are you planning to set up a similar business, in Africa?"
"Not really.... I'm just "BUSINESS MINDED"; I make it my business, to see the business side of any business."
I then surprised him by telling him what I already knew about Uber. For instance I told him, that Uber, is now valued at more than $40bn.
They are more valuable than Anglo American, which is one of the largest mining companies in the world. Imagine, a taxi hailing service, is more valuable than Anglo which has been around for more than 100 years, employs tens of thousands of people, and controls some of the largest deposits of diamonds, platinum, iron ore, and coal; in the whole world.
"Do you think that is fair?" The Uber driver asked. "How can a company with no assets, be worth more than a mining company that owns De Beers Diamonds, or Anglo Platinum?!"
Uber has no assets. They do not even own the cell phone network, on which their services operate.
"Who would have imagined that someone can come along, and change a service as simple as getting a taxi?"
As we neared the end of my journey, I suddenly asked my driver, who incidentally was an African from Ethiopian:
"How does Facebook and Twitter make money?"
"Through advertising", he shot back.
"What does that mean?" I asked laughing.
"Not really sure, sir."
I laughed some more, and as I got out of his car, I was still laughing.
He looked bewildered, by my response. Sadly I did not have a chance, to explain to him, why I was laughing. He rushed to his next Uber client, I went my way... Still laughing.
I will never forget the first time we had to deal with Blackberry, when they produced their phone for the first time.
"Our business model is quite simple", the sales executive said, to us:
"We charge you, $20/customer, per month. And you can charge on top, whatever you want."
My Chief Marketing Officer, who was dealing with them, was livid:
"That is ridiculous! We have invested billions of dollars to build the network, and to get customers. Now you waltz in here, and tell us, that you will get the lions share of the revenue on each customer? How can anyone accept such an arrangement?"
The Blackberry guy, smiled, and said quietly, "its a take it or leave it."
The matter, was escalated up to me, as Chairman. I listened quietly to our senior executives, express their frustrations,and indignation:
"That means, we will only get about $5, whilst they take $20; is that fair?!"
"Why, why can't they just sell us phones, like everyone else. Why do they want a revenue share, as though they are the operator?!"
"Do it, and do it now." I said quietly.
Then I explained:
"They have the upper hand. They know that they have an iconic product, which our top customers will want. If we do not sign, they can do serious damage to our business by handing this opportunity to a competitor. This game is no longer about building networks, its the guys who can use our networks, for their own businesses, that will be king from now on. We better learn to do the same, or at least work with them."
The position of Blackberry, would remain unchallenged until someone came along with a better product, and that was Apple. They were even more aggressive, about what they wanted. There was no debate, we all understood, by then.
Today, Apple is worth more than $600bn, making it the most valuable company in history; yes more valuable than any oil company, or mining conglomerate or cell phone company.
Being "business minded", requires you to understand, what I call "changing dispensations", when they occur. If you do not understand why Alibaba, an "online flea market", is worth more than any cell phone company, or any mining company, you will not be able to play the business game.
Now, think about Uber, and learn, to be business minded.
1:57 PM
Dave Z King
life, tips and tricks
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Chances are good that, at some time in your life, you've taken a time management class, read about it in books, and tried to use an electronic or paper-based day planner to organize, prioritize and schedule your day. "Why, with this knowledge and these gadgets," you may ask, "do I still feel like I can't get everything done I need to?"
The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time because it doesn't work.
Before you can even begin to manage time, you must learn what time is. A dictionary defines time as "the point or period at which things occur." Put simply, time is when stuff happens.
There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In clock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. All time passes equally. When someone turns 50, they are exactly 50 years old, no more or no less.
In real time, all time is relative. Time flies or drags depending on what you're doing. Two hours at the department of motor vehicles can feel like 12 years. And yet our 12-year-old children seem to have grown up in only two hours.
The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time because it doesn't work.
Before you can even begin to manage time, you must learn what time is. A dictionary defines time as "the point or period at which things occur." Put simply, time is when stuff happens.
There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In clock time, there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. All time passes equally. When someone turns 50, they are exactly 50 years old, no more or no less.
In real time, all time is relative. Time flies or drags depending on what you're doing. Two hours at the department of motor vehicles can feel like 12 years. And yet our 12-year-old children seem to have grown up in only two hours.
1:49 PM
Dave Z King
health, tips and tricks
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There are a lot of rumors and myths about cancer that make it hard for people to know what’s true about this disease. If you want to know more about how cancer starts and spreads, please see What Is Cancer?
Over one and a half million new cancer cases are diagnosed each year. Anyone can get cancer at any age, but the risk goes up with age. About 78% of all cancers are diagnosed in people age of 55 and older. Cancer can be found in Americans of all racial and ethnic groups, but the rate of cancer occurrence (called the incidence rate) varies from group to group.
About half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes.The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person’s lifestyle, for instance, bystaying away from tobacco, limiting time in the sun, and being physically active and eating healthy foods.
Over one and a half million new cancer cases are diagnosed each year. Anyone can get cancer at any age, but the risk goes up with age. About 78% of all cancers are diagnosed in people age of 55 and older. Cancer can be found in Americans of all racial and ethnic groups, but the rate of cancer occurrence (called the incidence rate) varies from group to group.
About half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes.The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person’s lifestyle, for instance, bystaying away from tobacco, limiting time in the sun, and being physically active and eating healthy foods.
From eating proccessed meats to the north american obesity epidemic, we count down 10 Ways You Are Getting Cancer Right Now.
Feb 28, 2016
3:13 PM
Dave Z King
business, entrepreneur, money, tips and tricks
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As an entrepreneur or an entrepreneurial business, there is nothing better, than creating a new product or service, that no one has ever seen before, and turning it into a blockbuster commercial success.
There is however another path to success, and this is called, the "fast follower":
There are a lot of organizations who are successful, through the ability to see what others have done, and then moving quickly to do the same thing; this is the "fast follower".
If you look at great companies like Microsoft or Apple, they are not necessarily the first to come up with a new idea. They are "fast followers"; if they see someone doing something, that has potential, they either buy it or build something similar; only they do it better.
Our company did not invent "Mobile Money" (Ecocash), it was invented in Kenya, by Safaricom. As soon as I heard about it, I did two things:
-first I checked to see, if there was a patent protecting the idea. It turned out they had not protected it.
-I then put a top team to research the concept.
The key to being a "fast follower", is the ability to move with lightening speed.
The Chinese are masters of the "fast follower" model:
When they see something in the West, like Yahoo, Facebook, Uber, Google, their entrepreneurs quickly follow, to build their own.
A Fast Follower, never allows a competitor to settle in, on a new innovation without a response. I can tell you, that if we do not respond, it is usually because we do not think much of the new product or service. Otherwise, we try to respond hard and fast, using better management and execution skills than our competitor, with devastating efficiency. It's part of the game.
So next time you see a new product or service, in another market, don't just admire:
Be a "fast follower".
The key to being a "fast follower", is being able to see what we call "substance over form":
Most people find it very difficult, to see "substance", over "form":
You cannot afford to have a superficial understanding of how something really works:
You have to be very methodical in breaking down, the reason why something is successful. Most often it is not as simple as it looks.
You have to keep asking yourself:
"How does this really work?";
"What is the business model?";
"How do they really make money?"
Ninety-nine percent of the users of What's App, or Twitter, for instance have no idea, how it makes money. It is superficial, to say, "advertising"; not enough: how exactly, do they do it?!
Sometimes, when you dig deep, you find the "secret source", is not even technological.
The Fast Follower, is methodical and dogged, in their analysis. They act quickly, but not rashly.
The Fast Follower knows that there is a huge difference between, "knowing" how something works, as a user (consumer), and what you need to know, as an entrepreneur, who is looking for a serious opportunity.
The Fast Follower, does not copy, they look at something very carefully, and then try to re-imagine it:
-"How can we make this better?";
- "how do we use this, in our own context?"
Steve Jobs, did not invent the cell phone, in coming up with the iPhone. He took something that had been there, for nearly 20 years, and completely re-imagined it, to come up with the iPhone.
In Fact, Steve Jobs was the "master" Fast Follower:
He did not invent anything new. He innovated around ideas that had been there all along. The same could be said, about much of what Bill Gates did.
A Fast Follower knows that if you simply copy something, you have not understood it.
When a Fast Follower gets hold of something, they "re-imagine" it into something new.
Understanding the concept of being a Fast Follower", opens up an incredible world for you and your business.
Fast Follower .... Eat the meat and throw away the bones.
One of my favourite entrepreneurs of all time was a man named Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, the American retail giant.
Its almost hard to imagine that just over 50 years ago, he started a company which has annual sales of just less than $500bn, and employs over 2m. It is the largest company in the world.
When he died in 1992 his wealth was divided between his wife and children, most of whom are still alive. The combined wealth that he left his heirs is currently at $175bn. If Sam were still alive, he would be worth twice more than Bill Gates.
Now, why am I talking about Sam Walton?
He was a "FAST follower".
I remember reading his autobiography, called "Made In America", when it first came out.
This guy began his business as what we call in Africa, "a flea market trader". No hi-tech, here; just a savvy guy who knew how to buy and sell cheap clothes, and other household utensils.
- I read his little book over and over again. Not because I wanted to buy and sell clothes, but because I needed to understand how this guy built such a large business. It was amazing!
The most successful Fast Followers, are those who already have a grounding, in a particular field, and stay in it. They don't jump about from business to business. They make themselves master of one game:
They watch everything that goes on in that game, always trying to anticipate the next thing... But they don't get into things they don't know.
You must be in the race, before you can chase. A Fast Follower knows they are already in the game. Steve Jobs did not look for opportunities running a PIZZA company or try to develop Real Estate.
Bill Gates, was a Fast Follower, in areas around computer software. This is how he made his money. He stayed focused in his chosen field:
Be focused.
Success requires you to be both a "a FAST leader", as well as a "FAST follower". This is because sometimes you get the chance to be the one who pioneers something new, but more often than not you must also be ready to be a "fast follower", if the situation calls for it.
Feb 27, 2016
10:59 PM
Dave Z King
funny, video
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Fc Midtjylland dance after win against Manchester United
Midtjylland stars perform victory dance in celebration after beating Manchester United
Midtjylland beat Manchester United 2-1 in Thursday's Europa League tie
Pione Sisto and Paul Onuachu scored the hosts' goal in the first leg
Duo alongside Rilwan Hassan celebrated by dancing in their dressing room
Manchester United may have the blues but Midtjylland's players were dancing the night away after their historic victory over the Premier League side on Thursday.
Goals from Pione Sisto and Paul Onuachu saw the Danish outfit come from behind to win their Europa League round of 32 first leg 2-1 at home.
And after the match, Sisto and Onauchu showed their neat footwork in a different way as they celebrated their triumph.
Midtjylland stars perform victory dance in celebration after beating Manchester United
Midtjylland beat Manchester United 2-1 in Thursday's Europa League tie
Pione Sisto and Paul Onuachu scored the hosts' goal in the first leg
Duo alongside Rilwan Hassan celebrated by dancing in their dressing room
Manchester United may have the blues but Midtjylland's players were dancing the night away after their historic victory over the Premier League side on Thursday.
Goals from Pione Sisto and Paul Onuachu saw the Danish outfit come from behind to win their Europa League round of 32 first leg 2-1 at home.
And after the match, Sisto and Onauchu showed their neat footwork in a different way as they celebrated their triumph.
3:06 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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Last weekend we witnessed the first ever NBA Basketball Game ever played on African soil. It was truly a privilege to watch these supreme athletes performing at the top of their game, in a sport in which some of the top players are paid over $100m a year.
The highlight for me personally was seeing two of the greatest basketball players of my own generation, and probably amongst the greatest in history take to the court!
__Hakim Olajuwon (age: 52), and Dikembe Mutombo (age: 49), both came on for a few minutes, and showed us what they could still do. I could see tears in the eyes of many older fans. It was truly awesome to be able to say, "I saw them play again."
Later as I reflected about the game and what lessons I wanted to share with you, one word came back to me over and over again:
Whenever I am reflective I'm led to something the Tentmaker said:
__"In a race everyone runs, but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win. To win the contest you must deny yourselves many things that would keep you from doing your best. An athlete goes to all this trouble just to win a blue ribbon or a silver cup, but we do it for a heavenly reward that never disappears.
So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I fight to win. I'm not just shadow-boxing or playing around. Like an athlete I punish my body, treating it roughly, training it to do what it should, not what it wants to. Otherwise I fear that after enlisting others for the race, I myself might be declared unfit and ordered to stand aside."
__1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (Living Bible, The - TLB)
There is a discipline to go through, if you want to succeed even in business or a professional career. It's not just about being talented or gifted. You have to be disciplined, with yourself, and your habits.
The athlete knows that he must subject himself to a strict training and dietary regime, to be successful.
There is a discipline for the kind of life you want to lead, even as an entrepreneur:
__You must be disciplined in how you spend and allocate your time.
__You must be disciplined in how you spend and allocate your money.
__You must be disciplined in how you prepare yourself every day. Don't be careless or go into meetings unprepared.
__ You must be disciplined in how you present yourself to others, including those you work with every day.
__You must be disciplined about where you go. Always knowing why you are going, what you hope to accomplish, and how long you should be there.
__You must be serious, if you want others to take you seriously. And it all boils down to your personal discipline.
__ You must be disciplined in not only setting goals, and training for them, but also in how you evaluate your accomplishments with respect to those goals.
You must also choose your friends carefully; "If you walk with the wise, you will be wise."
In relationships it is best to be either raising others, or being raised yourself through others. Horizontal relationships where you are simply looking for companionship, do not necessarily benefit you; keep them to an absolute minimum, and manage all your relationships with discipline and respect.
Discipline is a companion to the quality consistency that I have spoken about before. Without these two, you have an uphill task to accomplish anything of significance no matter what your passion is.
In a few days we shall resume the last three #AfricanLionessRoar series.
2:40 PM
Dave Z King
ethiopian, news
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To find out what type they are on the process of forwarding the past ten years 102 thousand condominiums, housing, Sunday, February 20, 2008 Astrology is started. The purpose of the census is called to take action on deporting.
There are nine houses owned by deporting round of the socioeconomic census is taken in accordance with the information.
Tuesday, February 15, 2008 regarding the Addis Ababa Housing Development and Administration Bureau, Ato welelinyine Addis Ababa Administration Manager, counting my Duke CE Voted statement.
Ato stated that they had been condominiums with private, Kebele tenants living in the house with condominiums, there has been content to a third party Antipas containing condominiums, houses, condominiums, working off the corrupting power house should convey logging break to recover bodies.
<< Bemitenetenewi information collected through the census will take action against these vigilantes >> The bureau said the purpose of the stamp.In addition, he added, Ato taken action against the bank with the terms and conditions of modern management structure incarcerated, to pay the debts of the owners stopped.
Addis Ababa City Administration Court ruled in the ninth round lots of 102 thousand. In March last year, its tenth round lots, 35 thousand homes available on the transferring process. The census does not apply to these schools.
The current census is conducted on the abandoned houses until the ninth inning. Mesfin told, 102 thousand schools in ten states and cities have regulated the census are available at 147 sites.
Each home will be offered 65 queries in advance. Then the owner of the house offers individual ownership information. These data will arrive at the correct information temešekirewi with previous information from the gallery.
This is the work of 2,500 technical teams are working together with various organizations, any procedure that gap, Mesfin said.
Out of this, 8,400 houses had been relocated as šeyitelelefu. In addition, 4.137 units of non-party user has been locked.
Especially because the residents of these houses on the corner near the remnant of a number of unlawful conduct, to be held in the census They clearly flagged known circumstances.
To avoid being recognized as a viable tool for both census officials in illegal activities. Mesfin added that, in general, the administration is known as a great benefit for residents deprived of ālemewelechewi be used for repressive purposes.
12:57 PM
Dave Z King
funny, news
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Calm, smiling and obliging, "serene" is among the adjectives most frequently deployed when describing Pope Francis.
It seems, however, that even the pontiff has his limits.
It seems, however, that even the pontiff has his limits.
Francis, who is on a five-day trip to Mexico, was greeting fans at a stadium in the western city of Morella on Tuesday when he finally lost his cool with some overzealous well-wishers.
Following a colourful encounter with young dancers and singers, the pope went over to greet the faithful, at which point two arms reached out to grab him.
The person, who is not seen in the video footage, did not let go, even after the pope lost his balance and fell onto a child in a wheelchair.
After aides and security men stopped the pope from falling to the ground, a flash of anger crossed his face as he stood upright.
Staring at the person, he raised his voice and said twice in Spanish: "Don't be selfish!".
Source: Telegraph
11:54 AM
Dave Z King
africa, ghana, video
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This woman came to Ghana to throw her family on the street because they were not following her orders (shes based on USA), well 3 days later for some reason she suddenly ran mad and was roaming the streets in Ghana, she cant even go back to USA now.
10:45 AM
Dave Z King
food, tips and tricks
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Give your diet a healthy boost with these 10 health foods. They're among your best bets for eating well because they meet at least three of the following criteria:
Good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
High in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds, such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene
May help reduce risk of heart disease and other health conditions
Readily available
Find out more about these health foods and how easy it is to include them in your diet.
Good or excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
High in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds, such as vitamins A and E and beta carotene
May help reduce risk of heart disease and other health conditions
Readily available
Find out more about these health foods and how easy it is to include them in your diet.
Feb 26, 2016
3:10 PM
Dave Z King
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A woman really doesn’t want much from a man. There are really Simple qualities that she’s looking for in a life partner. Although these qualities are not to find, they are qualities of which every man is capable. These things are not out of any man’s reach, yet the fact is that most lack at least one.
Now, you may like to argue that no one is perfect and therefore no one has all of these qualities, but that’s just not true. There are plenty of men out there who are sufficient in each of these categories, not perfectly, but sufficient enough to make a woman incredibly happy. That’s all that matters, right?
3:00 PM
Dave Z King
fun fact
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If the idea of crowds or constricted space makes you feel uneasy, then this tiny city will be something of a nightmare. The Walled City of Kowloon, a Chinese city on the outskirts of Hong Kong, was a place that was so densely populated and crime ridden that the government had to demolish it.
Originally, the Walled City was created as a Chinese military fort, but after the New Territories were leased to Britain in 1898 the area became occupied by residents. With the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong during WWII, the population only continued to grow.
By 1987, the Walled City had a population of 33,000 residents crammed within the shockingly small borders of 6.4 acres. This overcrowded area spanned across 300 interconnected buildings.
Greg Girard, a Canadian photographer, experienced this city and told the Daily Mail, ‘I spent five years photographing and becoming familiar with the Walled City, its residents, and how it was organized. So seemingly compromised and anarchic on its surface, it actually worked and to a large extent, worked well.’
The city was unregulated by the government and because of this was a hub for crime, drugs, brothels and was structurally built without contribution from an architect.
Despite the city’s deplorable reputation, the residents lived their lives in peace, starting businesses and creating families until it became demolished in 1992.
2:58 PM
Dave Z King
business, management, money, tips and tricks, work
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Ever since I became an entrepreneur, one thing that has fascinated me almost as much as innovations that drive new businesses, is the complex management skill required to build large ones. Making a business bigger depends on management expertise. This is something many people do not really appreciate as much as they should.
More than 25 years ago, I had a construction business that grew very well for a number of years. I had hired the best-qualified people I could find, and we had many contracts. Then one day almost out of nowhere, we started to struggle with cash. We just never seemed to have any money, even though we had big projects. I struggled to understand what was going on. I even accused the staff of stealing from me as I angrily sought someone to blame!
Eventually I was simply overwhelmed by creditors. In the end unable to cope, I applied for voluntary liquidation of the business. It was a massive humiliation. Everything was sold to pay our creditors. I lost everything, and more than 1,000 people lost their jobs.
Although I still had other businesses that were successfully operating, I was very disturbed by what happened, and for a while quite depressed.
Over the months and years that followed, I did many soul-searching postmortems to try to figure out why a business that had at first appeared so successful could suddenly fail just like that.
I know many of you may have recently gone through what I'm talking about. You may even be going through it now. It is the ultimate nightmare of any entrepreneur.
As you start a business, the question of how you grow it into an even bigger business is really about management.
After analyzing my own business as a case study, I concluded that I did not have sufficient management skills for what I wanted to achieve in my business life. At first I thought to go back to university, but my circumstances at the time simply did not allow for a formal program. So, I sent myself back to school. Of course, in those days there was no Internet, or online courses. The MBA was a new concept.
No one is born a good manager. It is an expertise you learn both through experience and education. People management, financial management and marketing management are just three of the “core courses” that are essential to running a successful company.
I became passionate about understanding modern management. I would never take it for granted. I threw myself at learning all I could find on the subject. I wanted to understand how someone could take a simple hamburger, which anyone can cook, and turn it into a global business like McDonalds!
Every night after work, I sat down and read books. When I travelled, I would lose myself in bookshops, always in the business management sections. What I learnt I tried to put into practice. I subscribed to magazines on business management.
Soon I could do deep diagnostics of what happened in my business that failed. It did not happen overnight, let me tell you, in case you think there’s a silver bullet or someone lays hands on you, and bang, you are an expert in business management.
God has given each one of us "a sound mind" and He wants us to use it. This is what it also means to "study and show yourself approved."
Gradually, systematically, I began to see the deficiencies and how to address them. I began to understand the "tools" that are used in the management of a modern organization, and how to use them skillfully.
I cannot say, "I have fully apprehended," but I'm consciously working on it. You cannot address a problem that you are not willing to accept exists. It starts there. If you want to manage your way to the top: analyze, read, ask the right questions and don't be shy to benchmark yourself with the best in the world!
1:56 PM
Dave Z King
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As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; Donald Trump's racism can easily be traced through his lineage.
Most families of enormous wealth have a dark and sometimes scandalous, even monstrous past. Donald Trump's clan is no exception to that rule. His grandfather was a pimp and a tax evader, his father a racist who would in the course of his life, clash with New York City Police as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and then as a wealthy real estate magnate, refuse to rent to people of color.
Donald Trump's legacy is anything but a rags to riches story. His dad kicked the bucket with $250-$300 million in the bank. The man who wants to ban all people of a particular religion from travel, wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, his was white gold. The only thing more obnoxious than Donald Trump himself, is his family's money grubbing, bigoted history.
Trump's Grandfather: Pimp and Tax Evader
Donald Trump's grandfather, Frederick or Frederich Trump, made his money from operating a decadent restaurant and hotel during the Gold Rush at Klondike in the Yukon.
That's a nice way of saying it.
"Trump made his first fortune operating boom-town hotels, restaurants and brothels", is more accurate, according to the CBC news report, "Donald Trump's grandfather ran Canadian brothel during gold rush, author says". Author Gwenda Blair simply wrote, ""The bulk of the cash flow came from the sale of liquor and sex."
Trump's grandfather was born in Germany, to parents who were employed by a vineyard. He moved to New York City in 1885 where he became a barber. After six years of this, Frederick Trump moved across the United States to Seattle, Washington, where he owned and operated what he referred to as a "decadent restaurant" that was actually called "Poodle Dog" in Seattle's red light district. Interestingly, the name and concept that had already been established in San Francisco. (He named his restaurant after a dog but would later make money selling horse meat) Around this time Frederick Trump became a US citizen.
A Yukon Sun Newspaper writer described his business: "For single men the Arctic has excellent accommodations as well as the best restaurant in Bennett, but I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings – and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex".
Trump moved to Monte Cristo, Wash. in 1894, and then four years later, shortly after the Klondike gold rush began, he relocated again to Bennett, British Columbia. Here he ran the "Actic Restaurant and Hotel". He would next build the "White Horse restaurant and Inn" in Whitehorse, Yukon.
An article published this year by Politico, explains that Frederick Trump sold off his investments and returned to Germany in 1901, as he sensed the end of the gold rush and a subsequent end to prostitution. The following year, he married his former neighbor, Elizabeth Christ in his native German town of Kallstadt. Then he came under heavy scrutiny by the German government,
The country had compulsory military service for men which had to be fulfilled by the age of 35. Donald Trump's grandfather waited until he was 35 to go back to Germany. He had already amassed great wealth worth well more than half a million US dollars, or 80,000 marks. While his town council was eager to keep Trump and his money, who billed himself as a man who "avoided bars" and led "a quiet life", other German authorities had a different plan, the Politico article explains. In their view, Trump had relocated to Germany in order to avoid both tax and military-service obligations.
"...the regional authorities refused to let Trump off the hook. Unlike his grandson, who would become too big to fail in business and, more recently, to ignore in politics, Friedrich Trump was not big enough to get away with being a draft-dodger. He and his wife, then pregnant with Fred, Donald’s father, would not be allowed to resume their German citizenship and it would not be extended to their daughter; instead, they were deported—the same fate that Donald would like to impose on undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today."
The fact that Donald Trump has done so well in the Republican polls is quite amazing, as the party that we think of as conservative, would be expected to shun a man who created exploitative beauty pageants and was born rich strictly because of the nefarious activities of his ancestors.
Trump's Father: a Lifetime of Racist Practices
Donald Trump has often said he made his money "the old-fashioned way," and this is true, in that he prospered from racism.
A New York Times article published 01 June 1927, related Donald Trump's father Fred Trump's role in a Ku Klux Klan brawl that pitted 1,000 klansmen against 100 New York City Police in Queens. Though he wasn't officially charged, Fred Trump was one of seven klansmen arrested during the incident. It probably wasn't very shocking at the time as America's racist practices were in full swing generations after Abe Lincoln freed the country's African-American slaves. In fact the mid-20's saw a peak in KKK activity. Donald Trump would later deny his father's involvement in the KKK brawl in spite of the fact that it happened two decades before he was born. Fred Trump's enthusiasm for racist practices never changed until he was forced to do so by the law.
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump joined his father's real estate company in New York in 1971, and only two years later, the company was served with a civil rights lawsuit that was filed against the Trump organization because it refused to rent to Black people. The Urban League got wind of the racist rental policy and actually sent both Black and White people in to apply for apartments that belonged to complexes owned by the Trumps. What they proved, was that Black people were denied rentals across the board, and only Whites were approved. A Village Voice article by Wayne Barrett, published in 1979, blew the lid off the Trump organization's brewing pot of racist practices.
"Three doormen were told to discourage blacks who came seeking apartments when the manager was out, either by claiming no vacancies or hiking up the rents. A super said he was instructed to send black applicants to the central office but to accept white applications on site. Another rental agent said that Fred Trump had instructed him not to rent to blacks. Further, the agent said Trump wanted 'to decrease the number of black tenants' already in the development 'by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere.'"
The article explains that Trump's reaction was to claim that the suit was a, "nationwide drive to force owners of moderate and luxury apartments to rent to welfare recipients."
"'We are not going to be forced by anyone to put people...in our buildings to the detriment of tenants who have, for many years, lived in these buildings, raised families in them, and who plan to continue to live there. That would be reverse discrimination,' he said. 'The government is not going to experiment with our buildings to the detriment of ourselves and the thousands who live in them now.'"
Indeed, Trump's wild, largely uninformed and unintelligent rants are the legacy of men who walked over the backs of other Americans to gain and secure their wealth. This may be symbolic to the American capitalist way, but it falls short of any form of greatness or real human success. As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Source: American Herald Tribune
11:44 AM
Dave Z King
fun fact, top 10
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YouTube is huge. Humongous, even. More video content is uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U.S. television networks created in 60 years.
The average YouTube user spends between 15 and 25 minutes a day on the site, but how much do we know about the world's largest video sharing website? Do you know what the most watched YouTube clip is? Can you name all three founders? Do you know how many times per minute a YouTube link is tweeted?
There is a ton of interesting data, info and stats to be learned about YouTube — we've delved deep to find 10 fascinating facts. Have a watch and let us know which ones you didn't know in the comments below.
Feb 25, 2016
10:48 PM
Dave Z King
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February 21, 2008 Count started a week, which accounted for about 35 thousand in the first counted 104.258 units. Accordingly, broken or rented, a Pharisee made merged, confirmed that there are a number of houses owned by individuals. He also indicated that the information that is going on savaging the definition of marriage. But living in a marriage, but more than two events received succumbed to the meaning of their houses indicated that the availability of information from the Addis Ababa Administration Agency. He saw the presence of the appropriate fee above the houses have no official information about the arrest yelitefets’emebechewi houses.
Mortgage payments due at the willful, illegal actions of illegal actions have been too used to the luxury of the house yekobelelune under police supervision.
Addis Ababa City Administration and ninth rounds users declarations 104.258 houses started to count. Last week, the count began, many houses betegenebubechewi background, Bole, Yeka, Sululta Kunz is established states and cities.
Inventory 2,500 professionals, policy, regulation, peacekeeping and commercial office became participants.
Addis Ababa Housing and Construction Office of the census bureau welelinyine Addis Ababa Administration Agency Head, Prince during my description offered, said the administration had reached such a report stating that the illegal activities taking place.
The administration relocated 8,400 one-room studio had homes. But demand for the sound development since the two-room three-room, the doors have become used to many homes. In addition, users apparitions šilelitefets’emebechewi Terms of Acceptance are available yelitefets’emebechewi 4.137. In this process, brokers, security guards and other bodies, most of bemešiberine said that by applying a combination of personal use.
The census focuses on homes, businesses and on common appliances. If proven, these illegal constructions, the law works to protect the work, Mesfin said at the time.
The users of this information, the census is expected to take action temešekiro Information Administration. In addition, the census bureau to make adjustments to avoid similar problems in the future.
A census has covered 42 percent of the houses, 1.339 houses have been identified as an empty implementation arrested about 60 megenyetechewinine discovered engaged in illegal activity.
10:46 PM
Dave Z King
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Oromo People's Democratic Organization (OPDO) in many parts of the Oromia problem elects its Central Committee conference call, central committee member of the Regional Bureau of Agriculture Head of the Central Committee of sugar cane ever jemenehini until the next meeting of the organization.
Reporter February 23, 2008 Ke’ohidēdi āmererinetine edition of the regional government position because of the lack of effective, elected office head Daba debelēne the regional security officer Mr. Solomon has been kuchu terrible.
The Central Committee on February 27, 2008, five days elevate an emergency meeting CE When completed its statement, the Deputy President of the Regional Bureau of Agriculture announced the title in charge of blocking Mr. Jemaneh ever ābelinetechewi the next central committee meeting of the organization.
His decision to the party << starting line before all brilliant victories yešimezegebechewini Dirty yegilenyinetine asylum seekers, as well as domain medebelelek’ini work closely examining the executive central committee has taken no action on the high leadership and compassion, is >>.
Mr. Jemaneh ever known fet’erinetechewi influential in Peaceful and worked for several years as the party office.
During the five days of discussions among the party requests, the members of the organization in the Federal Parliament elected fundamental questions unanswered, including the central committee.
Among human life, why not resolve questions of public property in Stockholm before the chaos? In 2006, Addis Ababa and Oromia established an integrated master plan for the year After giving the information is, again, in 2008 AD Why he gave conflicting description of the integrated master plan has been rejected? In 2006 AD Why were not disclosed to the public at the time really standing? There are choices.
Oromia either be public is rightly entitled to special benefits in a short time with the Addis Ababa? When and how legislation can be released in a short time? Back 21 years to get back used to make a profit or brings back questions? Who raised questions about the conversation.
Central Committee member of Parliament who participated in this conversation, Mr. Speaker Abadula, << is the main problem with the party leadership. Renew ourselves >> asked.
<< Created our own problem of corruption is a problem. One of the problems we solve quickly dissolved in one of the country iyetedererebe >> warned. << Biggest downfall is we're unable to answer the question. So let's examine ourselves, the Speaker >>, << will send information to sit here in this time. Our problem is in us, rather >> uneasy. Mr. Int'l expression and assembly yešek’e, the congregation that he has been barricaded audio information.
Stockholm, the assembly suggested that the packet is not affected by sources of happiness at the conclusion of the ruling party. So the congregation at the end of the party's senior leaders suggest raising ke’ohidēdi with Adama's senior leaders.
Evidence suggests that some of the Oromia security office regarding Mr. Solomon kuchu responsible, has put the region as a spur to the president. (Wudineh rained contributed to this report)
2:40 PM
Dave Z King
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A mentally unstable man climbs into the lion exhibit at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan. Before help arrives, he is attacked.
12:40 PM
Dave Z King
ethiopia, music, video
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NEW Abinet Agonafir Yene Wedase Official Music Video Live Concert With blue care Band.
10:36 AM
Dave Z King
top 10
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Have you ever wondered which are the laziest countries in the world? The concerns regarding activity and laziness are growing across the world. According to a report by the World Health Organization, about a third of people across the world don’t meet the minimum activity requirements for maintaining good health, which is approximately 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week.
Feb 24, 2016
5:13 PM
Dave Z King
technology, tips and tricks
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Samsung had something to prove with last year’s Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. It wanted to show the world that it too could make high-end smartphones with great design and premium materials, just like Apple and HTC have done for years. And it succeeded: the S6 models were by far the nicest smartphones ever to come out of the Korean giant’s factories. The cheesy plastic was ditched and replaced with metal and glass. This move did wonders to shake Samsung’s bad rap for making cheap-feeling, ugly devices. But they weren’t without flaws: high prices, the removal of expandable storage and waterproofing, and poor battery life disappointed many reviewers and buyers, and the S6 line hasn’t turned around Samsung’s sinking mobile business.
12:52 PM
Dave Z King
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KATHMANDU, Nepal – A small plane with 23 people on board vanished while flying in poor visibility over mountainous terrain in Nepal Wednesday, and officials feared it had crashed.
Airport official Yogendra Kuwar said the plane was on an 18-minute flight, but lost contact after takeoff. He said there were no landing strips between the two airports the plane was flying between.
Helicopters were searching the route more than two hours after the plane was to have landed, but poor weather conditions are making that difficult, he said.
The foreigners were from China and Kuwait while the remaining were all Nepali nationals, including two children.
The plane had taken off from Pokhara, a resort town 125 miles west of Kathmandu, and was heading north to Jomsom, the starting point for trekkers going into mountainous areas.
The police chief at Jomsom, Harihari Yogi, said they had reports from local villagers of hearing a loud explosion near the small village of Rupshe and attempts were being made to reach there.
The Twin Otter aircraft was operated by domestic Tara airlines.
Only small planes can fly the route, which goes between mountains.
Jomson is popular for both foreign tourists visiting the Mount Annapurna and Mustang region for trekking, and for Hindu pilgrims visiting the Muktinath temple.
Source: Associated Press
12:49 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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The leader of a Middle Eastern nation was given a global competitiveness report showing that his country, despite being a major oil exporter, ranked very low in terms of global competitiveness. Investors were simply not prepared to invest in his country, except for a few dodgy characters. Foreign currency reserves were low, and young people were unemployed and roaming the streets.
First, he called in some senior politicians and asked what they thought of the report. Some said it was a hoax designed to embarrass the country. Others said it was the work of their enemies who wanted to steal their oil. Yet others said it was simply not true.
Then the leader quietly called one of the country's leading business leaders.
"Your Highness, do you really want to know the truth?" the man asked quietly.
The leader then assured him that if he told him the truth, he would ensure that he was protected. After listening to the business leader, the ruler of the country asked him to make recommendations to correct the situation. Over the next five years, the ruler met quietly with the business leader and the team he had built. These men and women were not interested in political power or office. They just wanted to see their country prospering and respected around the world. They also brought in global experts, consulted investors directly, and visited best practice nations favored by global investors.
Using this "data," they made bold changes to the laws of their country. Some laws in place for generations were simply repealed. The ruler retrained or removed civil servants and other regulators who were hostile to business and investment.
In no time at all, the country began to attract huge levels of investment from some of the largest businesses in the world. Those companies set up factories and businesses that employed lots of people, and those people in turn had money to feed their families, send children to school, and increase their own wealth.
__It’s a remarkable story.
That country is now amongst the top 15 in global competitiveness ratings.
The business leader, a friend of mine, has spoken about what they did at international conferences, attended by global leaders from both business and politics.
Interestingly, this story does not just apply for leaders of nations. It applies also to business leaders, entrepreneurs, and just about anyone who runs an organization, including even a church.
There are a few lessons I’d like you to take away:
#Whether you're in a business, a not-for-profit organization, or even, as in this case, a government, don't be afraid to look at the data, even if it's unfavorable. Only don’t then blame or deny the data. DO SOMETHING!
__Start by asking the right questions of the right people.
# It matters whom you go to if you want to fix a problem. If the challenge had been national security, it wouldn’t have been wise to call in a business leader. When you have an economic problem, you must turn to those who understand the economy, with proven experience dealing with the specific challenges you face, even if those experts are not your nationals.
# If you receive a report showing that sales are down in your business and have been consistently falling, don't be afraid (or too proud) to reach out to experts who understand the business you're in. By doing so, it does not mean that you're admitting failure; you are just being wise.
# You will never solve a problem by listening to people who tell you what they think you want to hear.
# There are very few people who, when approached for advice, will admit they don't know enough about an issue. They’ll always have an opinion. This is why it’s very important to think carefully about whom you're going to consult, and why.
# If your senior management is unhappy or unsettled when they see you listening to external advice, then you have a problem in your organization. No matter how big or successful, it’s never possible or even efficient, to have all the expertise you need in-house. Even the President of the United States relies on outside advisors to come in now and again to help out on key issues. Be smart, get advice as and when needed, and make it a culture of your organization.
# Being willing and able to get professional advice outside your organization or business is a critical part of modern management. A healthy, successful organization is one in which the leadership encourages and embraces external advice. One way I assess a potential leader in my business is how well they seek advice from others, including those from outside the organization. If a manager comes to me and says he or she would like to hire an outside consultant to help them with something, I usually support such a request immediately.
Feb 23, 2016
1:28 PM
Dave Z King
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Addis Ababa light rail transport services on the electric power interruption urged to buy a generator to deal with that risk defined, and for the first time since they began work last Monday, the train came to a man's life is turned off.
Inland Railway Corporation to carry out the purchase Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation jointly rebirth communication officer said that entering into the process.
The transport ministry said that the main problem of the principal power disruption, moving immediately turn off generators rule allows states to provide the service without interrupting tirenišiporitu sound.
Inland Railway Corporation to carry out the purchase Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation jointly rebirth communication officer said that entering into the process.
The transport ministry said that the main problem of the principal power disruption, moving immediately turn off generators rule allows states to provide the service without interrupting tirenišiporitu sound.
12:43 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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__You need to develop relationships with people based on trust.
The other day I was in New York and decided to attend a church service with a dear friend of more than 20 years, Dr AR Bernard of Christian Cultural Centre. During the service they showed a video called the "Marshmallow Test." Young children were put in a room with a marshmallow (a type of sweet) and told that if they didn’t eat it, they’d get an extra one when the adult returned.
Left alone, the children then had to manage their impulse to simply grab the sweet and eat it. Many of them managed to control themselves and so earned the extra sweet. However, experts found that those children who’d previously been let down by an adult ate the sweet immediately.
__Some of the children in the Marshmallow Test just didn’t value the promise made by the adult because they’d been betrayed by adults before!
So what has this got to do with our theme about surviving tough times… the Eagle in a storm? Everything. Getting through tough times will depend on how many relationships you have built up, based on trust!
When people trust you, it’s possible to get a helping hand during tough times. Some children were willing to wait because they trusted the adult who’d made a promise to them. Asking other people to wait or make sacrifices depends to a great extent on how much people believe they can trust you, based on previous conduct, particularly when you seemed to be the one with the upper hand.
As a matter of principle, you must build relationships with employees, partners, investors, and customers based on trust. It’s important to be known as a person of integrity. I’ve already written a great deal about respect for the rule of law. This is about respect for yourself as a person of moral character.
You must establish your track record as an honourable person when times are good. There’s no point in showing humility only when things get tough; you must be trustworthy when you’re flying high!
# If during the good times you and your family were splashing money around like there’s no tomorrow, you’ll find it difficult to call on others to make sacrifices.
# If you were never willing to pay your creditors (there’s never an excuse for this!), you’ll find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure credit during the tough times.
# If you broke agreements with impunity because you were powerful, no one will stand with you when it’s you who needs help.
__Who do you know who really trusts you?
__Who is out there that will stand up for you?
Real trust transcends your ability to go to members of your family, your clan, your tribe, your religion, your nationality or even your race. When you sit down to reflect upon this issue, consider how many people from outside your "comfort circle” of family, clan, tribe, race, religion, would consider you trustworthy? This is the "marshmallow test" for each one of us, everyday. In Christianity, it’s the real interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Personally, one of the greatest testimonies of my life is the number of people who have stood in my corner when I needed help. It never ceases to amaze me how far people are prepared to stand in my corner. It's called "unmerited favor" and a blessing for which I am deeply grateful.
There are also people out there who I’ll try to give almost anything to help out when they are in trouble!
Do all you can every day to reach out to other people and build trust. Be a person of your word. Your character as a person of integrity is far more important than any money in the bank, fancy car or anything material in your life.
The other day I was in New York and decided to attend a church service with a dear friend of more than 20 years, Dr AR Bernard of Christian Cultural Centre. During the service they showed a video called the "Marshmallow Test." Young children were put in a room with a marshmallow (a type of sweet) and told that if they didn’t eat it, they’d get an extra one when the adult returned.
Left alone, the children then had to manage their impulse to simply grab the sweet and eat it. Many of them managed to control themselves and so earned the extra sweet. However, experts found that those children who’d previously been let down by an adult ate the sweet immediately.
__Some of the children in the Marshmallow Test just didn’t value the promise made by the adult because they’d been betrayed by adults before!
So what has this got to do with our theme about surviving tough times… the Eagle in a storm? Everything. Getting through tough times will depend on how many relationships you have built up, based on trust!
When people trust you, it’s possible to get a helping hand during tough times. Some children were willing to wait because they trusted the adult who’d made a promise to them. Asking other people to wait or make sacrifices depends to a great extent on how much people believe they can trust you, based on previous conduct, particularly when you seemed to be the one with the upper hand.
As a matter of principle, you must build relationships with employees, partners, investors, and customers based on trust. It’s important to be known as a person of integrity. I’ve already written a great deal about respect for the rule of law. This is about respect for yourself as a person of moral character.
You must establish your track record as an honourable person when times are good. There’s no point in showing humility only when things get tough; you must be trustworthy when you’re flying high!
# If during the good times you and your family were splashing money around like there’s no tomorrow, you’ll find it difficult to call on others to make sacrifices.
# If you were never willing to pay your creditors (there’s never an excuse for this!), you’ll find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure credit during the tough times.
# If you broke agreements with impunity because you were powerful, no one will stand with you when it’s you who needs help.
__Who do you know who really trusts you?
__Who is out there that will stand up for you?
Real trust transcends your ability to go to members of your family, your clan, your tribe, your religion, your nationality or even your race. When you sit down to reflect upon this issue, consider how many people from outside your "comfort circle” of family, clan, tribe, race, religion, would consider you trustworthy? This is the "marshmallow test" for each one of us, everyday. In Christianity, it’s the real interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Personally, one of the greatest testimonies of my life is the number of people who have stood in my corner when I needed help. It never ceases to amaze me how far people are prepared to stand in my corner. It's called "unmerited favor" and a blessing for which I am deeply grateful.
There are also people out there who I’ll try to give almost anything to help out when they are in trouble!
Do all you can every day to reach out to other people and build trust. Be a person of your word. Your character as a person of integrity is far more important than any money in the bank, fancy car or anything material in your life.
12:39 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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__Protect the root of your business.
A young man and his father were watching a huge fire coming down from the hills towards their family vineyard. At first, the young man tried to organize buckets of water but it was clear that the fire would engulf everything and consume the vineyard. Then to his surprise he saw the old man pick up an axe and run towards the vines. Systematically he began to cut the vines, leaving only the roots.
"We must protect the root, my son. Do as I show you."
And with this they saved a business that was several generations old.
Every business has a root, and you must know that root. You must be able to protect that root, when things are tough. Sometimes protecting that root looks cruel, but you must protect it at all costs. Sometimes it can come down to reducing activity to the bare minimum, with just a handful of staff. Your most valuable resource will always be good people.
There's no successful entrepreneur who does not know what I'm talking about. It may well be one of the most difficult things you'll ever do.
# Stay very clear about who you are and what business you're in.
# Don’t underestimate the crisis.
# Make sure you’re looking at credible data.
# Manage with grace under pressure.
# Review and revise your game plan as needed, acknowledging which plans aren’t working.
# Decide what you need to do in order to get where you want to go.
# Tackle the problems systematically. Don’t throw kerosene onto a fire.
# Don’t get distracted; make the tough decisions that you need to, without delay. One bucket of water won’t save a hectare of crisis.
# Seek and value professional advice.
# Don’t be afraid to try something new. Crisis is often how great innovation begins. (When the going gets tough, don’t give up on new growth!)
# Lead with courage and vision, even if your heart is sad.
Don’t panic. Pray and plan.
__"If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
There’s a story told about a businessman who went to see a close and trusted friend.
"Things are so tough," he began to say, "I feel I'm in a deep hole and every day it just seems to get deeper."
"Tell me the problem," the other man asked sympathetically.
"Everyone is against me," his friend said emphatically, then began to list all the people who had undermined him and wanted to take over his company. It was a pretty impressive list.
After a while, his friend chipped in: "It appears almost everyone is trying to destroy you?"
"Absolutely!" And he continued to give more detail of people and things that had conspired to undermine his business.
"So what are you going to do?" his friend finally asked.
"I shall fight and fight."
The friend listened and then gave this advice: "I noticed as you were speaking that you yourself do not believe that you have contributed in any way to this situation?"
"No, I have not contributed in any way at all!"
"I see. So what will you do?"
"That is why I've come to you for help. I need to borrow some money to see me through this problem for the next few weeks." The friend then politely declined to give the man any assistance.
I personally would not help such a person. Do you know why?
# If you find yourself in a "hole" for whatever reason, the first thing you must do is to stop digging and making the hole bigger.
# People who refuse to accept responsibility for any situation they’re in will only make the situation worse by the actions they take. If you have a problem to solve in business, don't get distracted by looking for scapegoats or trying to mobilize political support against perceived enemies. This is why many state-owned enterprises (parastatals) find it so difficult to solve business problems.
# If you want others to help you, you must first stop digging, let go of the shovel, and allow a trusted someone to give you a hand up!
# To move forward, you must dust yourself off and analyze honestly how you got yourself into that hole. While you may feel a bit defeated, don’t just drown your sorrows with drink or other destructive and time wasting habits. An eagle in a storm must be alert for danger and opportunity at all times, not at risk of slamming into a cliff or falling into a different kind of hole!
What is the Japanese proverb? “Fall down seven times, stand up eight!”
To be continued . . .
12:39 PM
Dave Z King
health, tips and tricks
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The fat accumulation is a common issue nowadays and many people are suffering from it. You might have got a lot of suggestion about how to reduce the fat in minimum days and in effortless manner like exercise, balance diet as well as workouts. What if we provide you an amazing drink which will melt your fat in only 4 days? Surprised! Well, but it is true. Here is the recipe for a drink which reduces fat in no time.
11:48 AM
Dave Z King
fun fact, video
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Want to look a lot smarter than you actually are? "Mathemagician" Arthur Benjamin is here to help. Benjamin dropped by HuffPost Live on Wednesday and gave host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani a peek at some of the incredible tricks in his book, The Magic of Math. In the video below, watch as he explains how to calculate the square of a three-digit number faster than it would take the rest of us to grab a calculator.
9:59 AM
Dave Z King
top 10
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For many people your passport is a ticket to the world.
Yet for many others, it is be a burden that restricts and even bans you from dozens of countries across the globe.
According to the latest annual Visa Restrictions Index report by Henley & Partners, citizens of the UK and Germany have the most freedoms to travel the world, while the United Arab Emirates has become the most "powerful" among Middle Eastern countries.
But citizens of the following 10 countries may never even see past the red tape of Border Control.
Yet for many others, it is be a burden that restricts and even bans you from dozens of countries across the globe.
According to the latest annual Visa Restrictions Index report by Henley & Partners, citizens of the UK and Germany have the most freedoms to travel the world, while the United Arab Emirates has become the most "powerful" among Middle Eastern countries.
But citizens of the following 10 countries may never even see past the red tape of Border Control.
Feb 22, 2016
12:35 PM
Dave Z King
business, money, tips and tricks
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Changing our "wealth creation model."
Ever since I started school, my teachers taught me that our country was "rich" because we had many minerals, and we'd recite the list of minerals. By the time I finished secondary school, I not only knew my country was "rich," but that Africa itself was "rich" because we had so many natural resources.
Even though I didn't study geology, I could almost tell you where all these precious minerals and other resources were found: oil, diamonds, platinum, gold, copper… in places like Congo, there were names of some things I couldn’t even pronounce.
__Yes, Africa is so rich!!!
As a young student, if I thought about what the global buyers of Africa’s natural resources then did with them, it was only ever a superficial thought. But I soon realized something didn't add up…
__Sometimes it almost seemed that the "richer" a country, the poorer the people! But how could this be?
"1+1=2"! My primary school teacher drummed it into my head, right?
Then I got to secondary school and one day the teacher came in and said, "You know, there are situations when 1+1 does not always add up to 2." ?!
"I'm here to talk about mathematics,” the teacher said. “It's time to put away the arithmetic; this is senior school!"
"Senior school!"
I didn't end my study of mathematics in secondary school. I also studied it at university where I majored in engineering.
What was it the Apostle Paul said about putting away childish things?!
Let me return to the wealth of our nations: I left university in the early 1980's. In those days, it was not China that was rising into an economic giant, it was Japan! It was rising and overtaking every European country, until Japan was second only to America… It was so spectacular!
I first met a Japanese person when I was in my twenties and already working, yet I read every single book I could find about their prowess.
"Tell me about the minerals of your country?" I asked my Japanese friend.
"We have no minerals to talk of," he said emphatically and proudly.
"What do you mean you have no minerals?"
As we talked about the Japanese rise, I was reminded of my lessons in mathematics!
And so I had discovered it was possible for a nation to be "rich" without minerals!
"We buy your minerals as cheaply as we can, and then we turn them into high-value products."
"You mean you exploit us?"
"That's not the way we see it. After all, what would you do with them if we didn’t buy them? Do you know what we do with your platinum or your oil?"
Then he added:
# "Our wealth creation model as a nation is not based on raw materials and minerals."
Deeply troubled (even insulted) initially, I knew there was something more to learn if I avoided becoming emotional. The conclusions I reached changed the way I look at wealth, and totally empowered me. It changed my mindset.
The Tentmaker once said that our greatest battle is always in our minds… changing the way see things, particularly if we have held on to a certain perspective for a long time.
I hope it will do the same for you.
__Imagining new wealth creation models.
The talk with my Japanese friend had left me thinking deeply about how we in Africa think about wealth. Maybe, just maybe, there was another way to think about it?
Imagine if my teachers had taught me that we are "very rich" because we produce some of the smartest entrepreneurs in Africa… people with the know-how and vision to transform our minerals into such great innovations and products that we no longer export our raw materials all over the world!
From then on, every time I visited a country (or even a major city), and watched its economic activity, particularly places doing well, I would reflect on its "wealth creation model."
__Imagine a wealth creation model that doesn’t require any raw material endowment, like Silicon Valley, or Singapore!
I was fascinated by countries that rise without necessarily being underpinned by minerals and the exploitation of raw materials: Dubai, Mauritius, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, to name but a few.
I was also fascinated by countries where consumers can buy domestically-processed and finished products – value-added goods created from their own raw materials! I imagined a Nigeria which turned its oil into plastics, fertilizers, sports equipment, cosmetics, deodorants, and toothpaste!
It’s good to have oil and platinum, and to grow cocoa and coffee. But for citizens to benefit from a nation’s natural resources, it’s critical to have the best stewardship, and to eliminate corruption. Without a culture of respect for rule of law, all future wealth creation models are doomed to failure.
__The bottom line is: We can no longer allow our national economies to be underpinned solely by the export of raw materials.
If we’re not careful, we can even become dangerously addicted to them, such that African nations, workers, and citizens in general are forced to endure endless boom and bust cycles… When the price of oil is up, we're doing well; when it goes down, we're scrambling… copper, platinum: boom, boom, bust! It’s happening now.
We must prioritise the development of innovative capacity to redeploy our rich natural resources within our own economies. It goes beyond the simplicity of "processing" and so-called "beneficiation." That’s not enough. We must also pay attention to emerging technologies and how they’re likely to affect the businesses we’re familiar with today.
My appeal to this next generation is to get us out of a “wealth creation model” underpinned by export of natural resources. We can no longer afford to think of the wealth of our nations in terms of mineral and raw material exports. Not when you know there's a Silicon Valley; not when you know that Apple Computers Inc. is worth almost the same as Nigeria’s and Angola’s combined GDP! Not when you’re the generation that knows about Alibaba, Tencent, Uber and Skype!
As we see the price of oil, copper, and platinum plummet, let's stop and take a deep breath, and say to ourselves: "It's time to change our WEALTH CREATION MODEL.”
__Within the next 25 years, we must break our addiction to resource-driven economic wealth. It's time to turn to our African inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs.
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