Jun 3, 2016

7 Most MYSTERIOUS, Weird, and Strange Rituals from Around the World

From Hlobonga to creepy wax museims to Scient... these are the 7 most mysterious rituals in the world.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

The Zulus of Southern Africa perform some rituals which are just downright bizarre. When a Zulu man wishes to marry a girl he must obtain consent not from her parents, but from a group of senior girls in the same locality. High school would be very different if these practices were adopted worldwide, especially as these girls are also given power to decide when Hlobonga takes place.

The Freemasons are known for their huge influence over government and banks, and their links to illuminati conspiracies just won’t go away, but whether you believe these tales or not you cannot deny the masons are a pretty mysterious bunch. Once you’re in you’ll learn secret handshakes and code-words to identify other members, but it’s the initiation ceremony which will paints a more realistic picture of the ritual weirdness which awaits you.

Self-flagellation is the practice of whipping yourself to acknowledge either your sins through penance, or to identify with the everyday suffering endured by others. The mysterious Catholic organisation Opus Dei are known to practice this form of self-discipline using knotted ropes, and some even go so far as to wear a spiked metal belt called a Celice to increase the levels of delicious pain.

Did you think crazy rituals were just for humans? Wrong. Recent footage shot in January 2016 has shown a group of West African chimpanzees banging rocks against trees, protecting the rocks, and then putting them inside the trees to form a pile.

When a close friend or relative dies what’s the first thing you want to do? Maybe look through photo albums? Sit silently and relive old memories. Perhaps you’ll write a poem or listen to sad music? But if you’re Madagascan you celebrate the dead a little differently, because you take them out dancing.

Offering up a gift to the gods is a pretty common ritual amongst many religions, because apparently all-powerful beings respond very well to bribery and schmoozing. But for the Catholics who visit the Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim in Brazil, a muffin basket just ain’t gonna do the trick.

Jun 2, 2016

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles is not a question that only the insufferably vain ever ask. Sure, wrinkles are a sign of a life well lived, the inevitable marks of all the thoughts and emotions that have passed across our faces. Worry lines, laugh lines, crow's feet, they're all there. They should be carried with pride. However, the harsh truth is that for many of us, wrinkles are caused not by age but by bad habits. Squinting, frowning, squeezing our foreheads while we talk, smoking, improper skin care -- all these take a toll on our faces and leave marks that age us prematurely.

This video uses an extraordinary math trick to guess your name! You guys have requested this video for years and now its finally here...

When we go to bed and close our eyes, we normally want to fall asleep and have a good rest. But sometimes our body has
other plans and starts doing different things on its own, which might be interesting for you to learn. So here we go with
today’s list of weird things that happen to us during sleep. Let’s start right away!

Sudden jerks of even “jumps”
I’m sure it has happened to you at least once. You’re falling asleep, and suddenly… like of a sudden push, you shudder.
This is in fact a very common situation that happens to everybody quite often, and there’s nothing to worry about. This
phenomenon is known as “hypnic jerks” and only happens during sleep. The process of transition to sleep is pretty similar
to transition to death and sometimes your brain isn’t sure if you’ve already kicked the bucket or have just fallen asleep.
To make sure you’re still alive, it sends impulses to the muscles and, as a result, you twitch.

We grit our teeth
The phenomenon called bruxism can manifest itself as the sound of teeth grinding during sleep. This can happen because of
stress or due to jaw malposition. Such sleep for prolonged period of time can result in headaches and teeth problems
requiring medical treatment.

We talk during sleep
Another very common condition, which can even lead to family conflicts. When asleep, we can say a word or a phrase, and
sometimes even quote an entire monologue. But don’t worry: you won’t reveal any of your deep secrets or anything important
at all. Firstly, a person can pronounce uncomprehensive phrases or separate words at moments of transition from one stage
of sleep to another. This happens because the speech center in your brain gets activated, while normally it is blocked
during sleep. Secondly, one can talk during the moments of “temporary awakening”, when the sleeping person is half-awake.
Some individuals even manage to answer questions in this state. However, in the morning they won’t remember anything that
they were asked or said during sleep.

Sexual arousal
There is no surprise in it and you’ve probably noticed it yourself. Men often have nighttime erections, which is natural,
normal and perfectly explainable: the blood gets saturated with oxygen and provokes an erection. Less known is the fact
that it’s not just men who get horny at night. Women also experience certain excitement of vivid erotic dreams. And the
reason for this is once again very biological – at night our body releases hormones, and they bring us to this often
untimely playful state.

Our eyes move
Even under closed eyelids our eyes keep moving, especially during the phase of deep sleep that we’ve mentioned earlier.
Scientists still haven’t agreed of the reasons of this phenomenon. Many of them believe it has to do with intense nerve
stimulation – brain activity during sleep that allows us to organize our memories, send necessary things to deep storage,
erase unnecessary information and optimize memory work overall.

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a relatively rare parasomnia, or sleep-related disorder. Sleepwalking is
provokes by abnormalities in the work of the nervous system,

Have you ever thought that a needle is something you should always have in your pocket? Maybe you haven’t, but after reading this article you’ll feel differently for sure. A needle can actually help you save yours or someone else’s life and we’ll show you how.

The simple trick we’re about to share can help you in case of a stroke and can make all the difference, at least until the paramedics arrive. When someone is having a stroke the brain capillaries start to tear and the brain stops receiving the needed amount of oxygen.

This causes the brain cells to start dying off and it requires immediate medical help or could have deadly consequences.

What should you do in case you find yourself in such a situation, if you or someone close to you is having a stroke?

The first thing you need to do is stay calm and call 911 immediately. Then, until the paramedics arrive don’t move the person who’s having a stroke but just grab a needle. It’s best if you have a medical needle but if you don’t a regular one will do just fine. Make sure you sterilize it before you use it. After you’ve sterilized it take the needle and prick the tips of all ten fingers with it, as close to the nails possible and as fast as you can.

Now wait for the blood to start flowing from the fingers. If you don’t see any blood coming out you should squeeze the fingers and once the blood starts flowing the person will regain consciousness. That’s it. This simple trick can make all the difference and help you save someone’s life. Now all you need to do is wait for the paramedics to arrive.

In case you notice that the person’s mouth is crooked you should start massaging the patient’s ears until they become red, in order to improve his blood flow. Next you should prick the softest part of the earlobe twice and wait for two drops of blood to come out. In just a few minutes his mouth should return to normal and the crisis has passed.

Now all you have to do is wait for the paramedics to arrive and they’ll do the rest. Congratulations, you’ve just saved someone’s life!
In order to save money and energy, a lot of people replaced their old standard light bulbs with eco -friendly new generation energy- saving light bulbs.

Nevertheless, these energy- efficient bulbs are extremely toxic. According to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency, if  broken indoors, these light bulbs release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration in the air. Consequently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released.
Energy saving bulbs contain mercury
As previously stated, these energy- saving light bulbs contain mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys, and it can also damage the reproductive, cardiovascular and immune system. Furthermore, mercury can cause anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, tremors, cancer and Alzheimer’s.
Moreover, these light bulbs have a number of negative effects for our health, including:
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Cluster headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Inability to concentrate
 Avoid these light bulbs and go back to incandescent bulbs.

We have all been to a theme park at one point or two in our lives. Whether we’re pass holders to Disneyland or can’t get enough thrills at a Six Flags park, we love theme parks and want more of them. Theme parks are part of the world’s favorite past time. From roller coaster-centric parks to fairytale-centric, the tickets are high and the souvenirs are expensive, and people are willing to shell out as much money as possible to ensure that they have a good time.

Jun 1, 2016

They’re some of our most used inventions, so you would think we’d be able to credit them properly, right? Apparently not, as these ten commonly used and rather important inventions are often attributed to the wrong visionary and creator. 
10. Steam Engine
9. Automobiles
8. Desktop Computer / GUI
7. Flush Toilet
6. Peanut Butter
5. X-Rays
4. Telescope
3. Light Bulb
2. Radio
1. Telephone
Hair loss is a very common problem affecting both men and women of all ages. It can happen suddenly, for no apparent reason but it can have a detrimental effect on one’s self-esteem. Everyone who’s experienced hair loss knows that there are not so many remedies which can fix the condition and stimulate new hair growth.

If you’re among the unfortunate ones who are dealing with this problem you needn’t worry anymore, we’ve got the perfect natural remedy which will stop hair loss and stimulate new hair growth in a short period of time. The best part about this remedy is that it’s completely natural, toxins-free, easy to make and has no adverse side-effects. Here’s what you’ll need.

1 raw egg (the yolk only)
½ banana
½ cup of beer (100 ml)
1-2 tablespoon of honey

The preparation of this amazing remedy couldn’t be simpler. Just add all the ingredients in a blender and blend until everything is combined.

Apply the mixture on the areas affected by hair loss and leave it on for a few hours. If the area feels hot don’t worry, it’s a good sign that the remedy is effective and your skin is responding well. Repeat the process at least once a week and soon you’ll notice amazing results.

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