May 7, 2016

6. Dog food tester
Most people have jobs so they don’t have to resort to eating dog food. But there are those who actually eat dog food as their job. And the pay’s not bad either. You can start out at $30,000 a year and if you chow down enough to keep up with the pack, your experience could get you $75 large a year. Disgusted? Get off your high horse, or big dog rather. As of 2010, all American dog food has to be made with human-grade meat so yes, it’s OK to eat. Because you’re smart, you know that humans have 9,000 taste buds while dogs have around 1700. So what’s the point? Until the dog translator becomes a thing, we need human dog food eaters to test it and determine what tastes are present in order to help decide how to flavor the food so the dogs will eat it. Simon Allison is a bit of a celebrity in the pet food tasting field and calls himself a Senior Technologist. By the way, much like wine tasters and BBQ cook-off tasters, the dog food tasters just taste—they don’t actually swallow the product.

5. Bike digger in Amsterdam aka bike fisher
First thing you think of when I say Amsterdam is….not, not that, it’s bikes. The people of Amsterdam don’t just like to cycle, they. Love. Their. Bikes. During WWII they hid their bikes from the Nazi’s who were confiscating them by burying their bicycles in their yards. When there was no rubber for tires, they McGyvered their water hoses. Biking is not just a passing fancy in Amsterdam, and so the city has grown into the most bike-friendly city in the world. Over a million people live there and do 60% of their traveling within the city on their bikes. There are over 165 canals in Amsterdam so it is inevitable that a bike or several hundred bikes, end up underwater. Thus the bike digger, or more aptly, bike fisher job came to be.

4. Renaissance flag throwers in Florence
Were you in Italy during Medieval times and the Renaissance, you would know that where there was a parade, there were musicians and dancers and flag bearers. To entertain, the flag bearers began to perform, and since flags are of great significance, they were not allowed to touch the ground. And so the art of flag throwing began. This is not your high school Flag Corps. There’s still a need for flag throwers today since the Italians love a good Renaissance festival as much as anyone.

3. Civet feces farmer/collector for coffee
Ever had a cup of coffee that tastes like shit? Did it cost you $80? Genuine kopi luwak coffee comes from the feces of the Civet Cat. The cat eat the cherries, digest them and, well, what goes in must come out. Civet cat coffee was in production in the 1800’s and the coffee community as a whole looks at it as a gimmick to sell coffee for an outrageous amount. The beans cost about $100 to $600 a pound. The coffee beans eating by the civet cat are not digested so the farmer, or cat herder if you like, collects the feces then goes through it, collecting the beans. 
Speaking of feces, lets move on to the odiferous #2

2. Flatulence smeller
Here’s $50,000 a year and in order to earn that you have to smell rectal emissions. Poots, toots, sharts and farts. Gas coming from the back end of a human can be odorless, silent but deadly, or noxious. But in China, if you hold this position, he who smelt it did not deal, dealt it. This career is on the rise because the nuances of a person’s gas can help pinpoint areas of the body which are sick. Could it kill you from ten feet away, maybe you have a bacterial infection. Or ate at Taco Bell at 2 am. 

1. Bed bug host
Bed bugs have made a comeback. And who wants to sleep with a bloodsucker who doesn’t twinkle in the sunlight? In the UK, in order to combat the pesticide resistant bed bugs, bed bug experts volunteer to sleep in beds with bed bugs. This is done because the cheeky bastards will hibernate when there’s no live host in the room, so you could treat a hotel room, think they’re gone, and as soon as someone checks in the bed bugs come out biting. All of a sudden, your cubicle isn’t looking so bad now is it?

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