Feb 18, 2016

Bad habits are never easy to shake, especially when you don’t even know that you’re doing it. Nail biting is a tricky habit to overcome, sometimes it can feel like your nails are just a magnet to your mouth. However, these facts are something to keep in mind the next time you find yourself chewing away.

First, consider that the fingernail is a breeding ground for bacteria, suddenly not so appetizing is it? You may have tried to forget about that fact but nail biting can actually lead to the spread of STI’s, which should be enough to deter fingers from the mouth.

Nail biters will tend to chew around the skin of the nail, which can make your finger look like an inflating balloon. This infection caused by bacteria getting into open sores can result in pus that sometimes has to be surgically drained, yikes!


Not only are you damaging your nail but also your mouth, nail biting can lead to bad breath, gross gums, and if you wear braces you could be causing irreversible damage to the teeth. This bad habit is also known to lead biters to unintentionally grinding their molars overnight.

While we know the nails are a bacteria playground, sucking on them or chewing on them only makes things worse, you could be making your nail a bacteria wonderland.

Those who chew and wear nail polish should know that most nail polishes are effectively poisonous and shouldn’t be consumed!

If you try to tell yourself that your nails will just grow back, this might not be the case, in some cases with enough damage the nails might never come back.

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