Despite how rigorous your skin cleansing routine is, what you consume has a lot to do with your complexion. Nutritional Therapist of The Harley Medical Group, Christine Bailey, mentions, ‘Contrary to popular belief, skin problems are not due to poor hygiene but results from a number of underlying imbalances within the body.’
Too much dairy in the diet can be reflected in your face with darkness underneath the eyes, increased under-eye bags, and widespread spots specifically around the chin.
When you’ve been consuming too much sugar, your face can become gaunt, creating sagging underneath the eyes with spots and a darker grey hue to your complexion. You can help fix this by using a balm that is rich with energizing ginseng and nourishing vitamins.
If you’ve been overindulging in foods or drinks with gluten, your face may appear red or puffy around the cheeks with spots around the forehead and spots or dark patches on the chin. This can be reversed with a face oil that is full of soothing chamomile and jasmine to help calm stressed-out skin.
To help fight the negative effects of consuming too much dairy, a clearing serum that contains essential oils for the skin can help take care of those blemishes and rejuvenate your skin.
If you’ve been dabbling a little more than usual in the wine, your face can show this with wrinkles under the eyes, lines or spots between the brows, a reddish skin tone, and dehydrated skin. Moisturizers, under-eye wrinkle reducing creams, and anti-redness creams can help revive your skin.
If you’ve been dabbling a little more than usual in the wine, your face can show this with wrinkles under the eyes, lines or spots between the brows, a reddish skin tone, and dehydrated skin. Moisturizers, under-eye wrinkle reducing creams, and anti-redness creams can help revive your skin.
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