Reddit user jillesme spent the last one and a half years trying to gain more muscle. He never skipped a workout, barely drank any alcohol, and ate a ton of food in order to get to where he was today. He shared his story on the subreddit /r/fitness and has inspired a ton of other Redditors.
Initially, he started off his journey standing at 6 feet and 1 inch tall and weighing just 137 pounds. After he moved to England, he decided that enough was enough. He needed to stop making excuses and start hitting the weights.
In the first three months he had already gained a bit of weight and now weighed 155 pounds. That is also when people started to notice his physique. He was ecstatic.
Every time he noticed that he was no longer getting sore from his standard workout routine, he switched it up and started seeing results again.
After going into great detail about his journey he finished it off with a conclusion paragraph. ‘Starting to lift has been the best decision in my life. I was always that skinny kid with red hair. I was scared of confrontation and I just felt weak. Now 1.5 years later people tell me I'm "getting big" and "starting to look like a closet" (that probably sounds cooler in Dutch).’
He thanked everyone for their nice comments and said that the reason he shared his story was to inspire other people to hit the gym.
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