Mar 3, 2016

There are a ton of disgusting pimple popping videos, but there aren’t many videos of guys getting rid of their ingrown hairs. After YouTube user Joe Gross noticed a strange oozing pimple on his face, he was told by his dermatologist that it was a cyst that would need to be removed. It turns out that it was just a disgustingly long ingrown hair.

The video starts off with Joe showing the viewers the popped mark. Although we don’t get to see him pop it, it looks like he is only at the beginning stage of the hair extraction.

The guy brings out a pair of tweezers and starts to get to work. He grabs onto the hair and begins to pull it out of his face. It looks like there is no end to this piece of hair! It just keeps on growing!

‘I’ve had this gigantic black mark on my face for months and it looks like … it’s literally a pound of hair,’ he says. At one point the hair snaps off, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. More hair comes out. This is insane.

‘I had this pimple that would ooze every couple of months for the last year or so. The dermatologist told me it was a cyst she would have to cut out. Apparently it was just the longest ingrown hair in history.’

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