Mar 2, 2016

Chinese company tiyeniši wide recruitment campaign is not ālemezerigetu extend several thousand people are bound together by a network issue. The purpose of the network system is a controversial question. Daily doses of tranquilizers and mineral greases outlet of the tiyeniši, which speaks of "the use of network marketing."

In turn, the prosecutor, the organization's purpose is not to sell shek’et’eshek’et’ini, shows that the same coverage to meet the membership enrollment fee. Expanded into, ziggurat-shaped said the plot - prosecutor. Phelps top of the pyramid with the company. Bimelemili ten men pyramid 2 is created Level row. Temelimeyochu in turn, each convey the company to recruit one of ten members of the event, and they get a commission. Century, does it mean that new members - a third row of the pyramid. They need to recruit new members to compensate for the amount paid 4 thousand.

Six hundred members get šimelemilu, Commission for ten people, who are paid more than the original melimeyochimi them. There was also below the fourth row - one thousand members and downs.

Which in turn, is the need to recruit new members for 10 Commission - creating a fifth column below. And so, the board paid money to keep the molten 100 thousand members of the recruiting will be necessary. These payments recruit one million members, can be saved only by accepting losses.

But these remaining metal money paid for registration, and no one can limelemeli 10 million as a new member in Addis Ababa.

The top end of the pyramid on the highway, under the ten men, perhaps the next century, people collect a lot of money, and there are a hundred people below, and collect a lot of money, but the money of several thousand people at the bottom of water left. Tiyeniši such a ziggurat-shaped plot uses the network says the prosecutor. Yetiyeniši but officials deny. He contends that the marketing network to sell quality produce something worthwhile. Network marketing because there is no law condones, said the misuse of trade license yetešerezebinyi agency. Prime Minister Offices / 700 page letter, he says, with more than 15 thousand signatures in support of certiorari āyeyizhē

The prosecution, in turn, tiyeniši commodity sales, but said he collected a lot of money asking for ten sub-cities in Addis Ababa, membership fee. At the same composer, who became CEO 11 men who built the network, which suspects Thursday Fee / house break came and asked for bail. The prosecutor described this protest, said the need to complete the test more time. Fee and / or has been suspected to exist when the two-week stay in prison.

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